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I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned and turned over to press snooze and fall back asleep.

"Y/N!" I jumped awake at my name being said and open my eyes. Kei was at eye level with me and he was staring into my soul.

"You slept through your alarm dumbass." He said while standing up straight.

"What? I put it on snooze." I said, checking my phone.

"You might have accidentally turned it off. You have about..." He looked at his phone to see the time. "5 minutes to get ready."

"Shit!" I said. I jumped up from my bed and pushed him out of my room. I put on my uniform as quickly as possible and rushed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and did my routine quickly.

Thank god I packed my bag yesterday. I said to myself. I run downstairs with my bag over my shoulder and go to the kitchen.

"Morning Aunt Aimi!" I said quickly putting my bread in the toaster.

"Morning! I made your lunch for you." She said while handing me a bento box. I stuffed it in my bag and thanked her.

Just then, my toast popped up and I slathered a light layer of butter on it before saying goodbye to Aunt Aimi and Akiteru.

I put on my shoes and ran out the door. Kei was standing by the door and before I could tell him to hurry up, I bumped into something. Or someone?

"Oh?" The person said while turning around to see who ran into his back. "Y/N?"

"Tadashi! I'm so so so sorry!" I said with a slight panic tone.

"Oh, it's fine." He said while scratching the back of his neck. "It's good to see you again." He gave a cute smile.

Oh shit. He looks much cuter than before. I thought to myself.

"It's good to see you too!" I said, returning the smile.

Yamaguchi's p.o.v

I can't believe I'm talking to my childhood crush. I had no idea that I'd be seeing her again but here she is. She's still as awkward as before but I've always admired that.

She just gave me a really cute smile. I'm so glad I get to see her again. She looks really pretty.

Hold the phone Tadashi. You haven't seen her in three years. Don't start liking her out of nowhere again. I thought to myself.

"We'll be late if we don't leave now. Let's go." Tsuki said while pushing up his glasses. Y/N and I looked at each other, nodded, and followed Tsuki to school.

Y/N and I talked a lot on our way there. I told her I wanted to join the volleyball team with Tsuki and she was very intrigued about it.

We also caught up and chatted about our favorite things. Like food, anime, books. The usual. Tsuki stayed in front of us while we talked and he would join the conversation once in a while but he mostly didn't want to talk.

We finally arrived at school and went to see what homeroom class we would be in. To our luck, we were all in the same class. We walked to our homeroom and waited for the teacher.

Y/N's p.o.v

I can't believe the three of us are in the same class. It was very fun to talk to Tadashi again. I missed him.

"Okay, class. We will be assigning seats!" The teacher said while walking in. He looked around and looked at his piece of paper. He seated almost everyone.

"Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you two will be in the before last tables near the window." The teacher said. "Who's left?" He asked. Me and another girl with long brown hair and glasses lifted our hands up.

"Okay, you two sit in the back." He pointed behind Kei and Tadashi and we walked over. I sat next to the window and Yamaguchi was right in front of me. I turn to see the girl beside me.

"Hi! I'm Y/N  Y/L/N. You can call me Y/N." I said.

"Hi! I'm Sora-" Before she could say her last name, the teacher interrupted and started class.

Helloo~ We don't know Tsuki's mom's name so I chose one for her! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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