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Practice ended around 6:30 since it was raining out. Everyone was leaving and I was waiting for Tadashi and Kei to hurry so we could run home. We didn't bring umbrellas since we didn't know it was going to rain today. Sora went with Suga so she wasn't walking home with us this time.

The rain was getting heavier the more I stood there. Finally, Tadashi came out and was walking towards me.

"Tsuki is almost done. He'll be out in a bit." He said. I nodded and smiled at him. Crap. I just remembered I forgot something in the class.

"I forgot my homework in class. I'm gonna go back and get it." I say.

"I'll come with you." He said. I except and we both run to our class. Of course, the door was locked so we had to go to the principal's office to ask for them to open it. On our way there, I got a text from Kei. I almost forgot about him.

Kei 🧂
Where are you guys?

I forgot my homework so I went to get it and
Tadashi wanted to come along.

Well i'm going home now because I don't want to
wait five hours for you.

Ugh, Fine.
Salty bitch

Say that to my face you wimp

I can't if you are walking without us

get home safe or i'll kick your short ass

Ya Ya.
seen: 6:40pm

Finally, Tadashi and I arrive at the principal's office and tell them our situation. They followed us to the classroom and they unlocked the door.

"Thank you!" I say. I grab my homework and start to walk away with Tadashi close behind me. We exited the school and saw it was still raining. We decided to go on the steps of the gym so the rain wouldn't get us even if we were already wet. The roof extended over the steps outside so we sat down and watched the rain pour.

It was quite peaceful. The sound of the rain hitting the ground softly, the way the sky put a dark tint to the world. It wasn't bad but it was soothing darkness.

"Thanks for coming to get my homework with me. Sorry, you're stuck here." I say. I look at Tadashi and he looks back with a smile.

"No worries. I'm glad I'm stuck with you." He said. I couldn't help but feel my face warm up. I smiled at him.

"I'm glad I'm stuck with you too." I say. We both chuckle before silence came over us. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable but it was nice.

I begin to feel tired since I didn't get much sleep last night and rain always makes me tired. I lay my head on Tadashi's shoulder without thinking and fall asleep.

Tadashi's P.O.V
Y/N and I were sitting in silence when suddenly she lays her head on my shoulder. I'm shocked at this sudden movement but eventually, she fell asleep. I laughed at how cute she was but made sure I didn't wake her up. I feel myself blush and I smile to myself.

Hold up. Do I... like Y/N? I mean she is really pretty and I feel nervous when I talk to her and sometimes I just want to hold her and never let go. Wowowow. I think I do like her. But I get nervous about everything. But I get more nervous when she's around. I always want her around though even if she makes me stutter more.

I think it's true though.

I have a crush on Y/N

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