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It had been about a week since the first day of school and I already had a friend group. It was me, Kei, Tadashi and Sora. I still had no idea what her last name was but she insisted that I called her by her first name.

She and Kei didn't get along well but she was nice and I liked her a lot. Her hair was usually down to her lower back and it was very dark. Almost black. She had round glasses with frames that matched the color of her hair.

Tadashi and Kei both joined the volleyball team and I was proud of them and excited. The two of them... well mostly Tadashi wanted me to stop by and see how they practice so I was heading there now.

I just finished organizing my locker and I was walking over to the gym when I saw someone familiar in the hallway.

"Sora? What are you doing here after school hours?" I asked.

"Hey Y/N. I could ask you the same thing." She smirked while pushing up her glasses. "I was just going to the gym."

"Oh, me too. Wanna walk together." I asked giving her a smile.

"Sure." She said enthusiastically while giving me a smile. We started to walk together, side by side.

"Wait, why are you going to the gym?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, because my brother is there and he needs to walk me home afterward." Sora said.

"Ah, okay." I  said. We arrived at the gym before practice started and it seemed like they were doing warm-ups.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard in the distance. I turned my head in the direction of the sound and I see a guy with a shaved head running towards me and Sora.

"PRETTY GIRLS." He said. I took Sora's hand and I moved aside so we wouldn't get trampled. He fell to the floor. 

"TANAKA!" I heard a guy say. He held the shaved head guy by his collar and gave him an angry look.

"Sorry boss." Tanaka said. The guy let go of Tanaka and came walking towards me and Sora.

"Hey, Sora." He said. He turned to me next. "Is this your friend?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied. 

"How do you two know each other." I asked. "Are you guys siblings?"

"No. My brother is over there." She pointed to a guy with silver hair walking over to us.

"I'm Sora's sister. Koushi Sugawara." He said.

"Oh, so your last name is Sugawara?" I asked Sora.

"Yup! Sora Sugawara is my name." She said while pointing to herself.

"I'm Daichi, the captain of the volleyball club. Suga and I have been friends for a while so I know his little sister." He explained.

"Oh, okay." I said, finally understanding.

"Guys, this is my friend Y/N Y/L/N." Sora said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Nice to meet you too." They both said. "So why'd you bring your friend along this time, Sora?" Koushi asked. 

"Oh, we are actually here for different reasons, we just happen to bump into each other." She explained.

"Y/N!" I heard my name being called. I turn to see Kei and Tadashi.

"Hey, guys!" I said happily. I walked over to them and we chatted for a bit until practice started. Sora and I talked to each other while the boys practiced. After that, I said goodbye to everyone and started to walk home with Kei and Tadashi.

Hello people! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) I wanted to make an OC so here she is. Sora Sugawara! 

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