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"That's what we on"killa said "just tell me what I did I uh stop talking to you after u tell me"

She continued to ignore him she got bella dressed then got herself dressed then left out the door

I wasn't finna go out there and Chase her and I damn well wasn't finna kiss her ass

(Ke POV )

I know all y'all wondering why I stop talking to killa the moment he tried to put his part in me I jumped up

I started getting flash backs of what happened

felt like the day was happening all over again

I wasn't in the mood to talk to nobody so I just got me a Uber and took my baby to the nail place...

"Mommy me want ths" bella said she was pointing at the color pink nail polish

"okay baby" as my baby getting her nails polished I'm just on my phone scrolling down Instagram

but I looked over because I just felt somebody staring at me

"excuse me can you stop staring"I asked the girl who was staring

"I mean god did give me eyes to look where ever I want" the girl said

"Okay but you don't gotta look over here tf"

"I'm looking cause I know you talk to my nigga lil bitch" she said

This bitch looked like I seen her befo- oops nvm that's dat sky bitch killa put out..

"Girl who tf is yo nigga"..? I asked playing dumb

"Please don't play stupid .... Imma just let you have it like this. that nigga don't wanna do nothing but fuck he gone fuck then put you and your baby out he kno good"

dis bitch just keep going everything she saying going through one ear and out the other

" I'm just letting you know oh yeah and he told me y'all already fucked but you jumped up because you couldn't take the dick" she smiled blowing her nails

(How df she kno dat and it literally just happened)

                        Sky pov

Don't ask I was looking through that nigga window and yup I seen dat bitch jump up cause she couldn't take da dick

Little bitch needed give me My man back.

Ke pov

Before I could even say what I wanted to say she walked out the door

"Me done mommy" bella ran up to me showing her nails

"okay come on baby"

we got into our Uber and went back to the house

I took bella upstairs turned on baby shark and gave her something to snack on..

I went back down stairs to call killa he answer this how the Conversation went

Ke: bitch I hate chu you don't gotta worry about me or my baby we going to be gone by tonight

Killa: men what the fuck is you talking about

Ke: ask yo bitch she came up to me in the nail place talking about you fucked me and I jumped up because I was scared of the dick like fuck outta here that was never the case

Killa: I didn't tell her shit on my dead homies she capping and you dumb asf If you believe her

Ke: how tf do she Kno dat den I'm just over everything and you don't have to worry about me or my baby we're leaving

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