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When I walked inna  house  I seen them together my heart dropped

I didn't know how to feel it was so much shit running through my head i Instantly got my baby off the couch  ran upstairs and started crying

When killa seen that I seen them... he tried to run upstairs after me but I locked the door

"Babe I'm so sorry it wasn't what it looked like we were just talking"

I couldn't take it no more so I snapped on him

"YOU NOT SORRY THIS YOUR 2Nd TIME HOW COULD YOU!!!!!! I said while crying... I trusted you bruh you fucked me over I literally put my all into you I really liked you people kept telling me you wasn't the one for me I should've listened I really hate you I wish you die"

"Damn that's how you really feel you that mad that you wishing death on me"

"I started yelling GO TF AWAY PLEASE!!!!!! I DONT WANNA HEAR OR SEE YOU....

I was thinking about leaving but I had no we're to go I stopped going to hair school cause I had no one to watch Bella so I just stayed in the room all day long literally

I didn't say nothing to killa at all only time we would talk If it was about bella or if I had a doctors appointment

I really did wanna tell jay that killa fucked his girl but that was gone start a whole lot of shit I just wish this shit was a dream !!

A month later

Me killa and bella had went to my doctors appointment  it was time for me to find out my Gender

I really didn't wanna have a baby shower or a gender reveal I didn't wanna do shit if killa was gone be involved in it I hated him he literally broke me...

"Are you having a gender reveal one of the doctors asked me

I Shook my head
"yes I will be having a gender reveal"

"Okay I'm going to write down the gender then imma put it in a envelope"the doctor said

After 5 minutes she gave us the envelope and we left

"Baby I love you"killa said while driving

I ignored him

"You hear me fucking talking to you bitch I said I love you"

"Bitch stop fucking talking to me you don't love me are shit about me cause if you did you would've never fucked yo homie bitch"

"She came on to me doe bae"

"I don't care stop talking to me"

After we got done arguing we arrived back to the house I took Bella out the car went straight upstairs then slammed the door

8:45 A m

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs I already knew it was killa I heard the room door open then I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked up  I be damn if I see Lisa

"Bra I kno this bitch ain't touching me" I said loudly

"I just came up here to talk to you"

"It's not shit we need to talk about"

"Umm yes it is

"Umm no there's not you got what you wanted tf.....you wanted to fuck killa so bad y'all fucked so there.  you got what you wanted now get tf out my face"

"I'm sorry bra I swear I'm so sorry  you got every right reason to be mad at me...I did come on to killa he kept telling me no but I forced him to do it so don't be mad at him"

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