Chapter 6: Preperation for the Sports Festival!

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Hello! I realize now that I sort of fell off of my promise, but again, school has kicked my ass. It's gonna be a while before I write the Sports Festival arc, since I'm going to make those pretty decently long chapters.

After the what is now deemed in the public eye as the "USJ Incident", you were given an extra day off. Which you grateful for, as your body still ached.

Midoriya had planned a little get-together with you, Momo, and his friend, Uraraka. You still had yet to properly meet her, so this would be cool, meeting someone new.

He scheduled it at a park, and everyone agreed. It was forecasted to be absolutely beautiful outside, and it was. It was sunny, with clouds dotting the sky, and a slight breeze blew by. Overall, you couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

You were the first to arrive at your friend's meeting spot, underneath the biggest tree in the park. Momo was the second to arrive, and she honestly looked stunning. She chose to wear a long-sleeve buttoned shirt, with red and black plaid covering it. Adorning her lower section were baggy, comfy looking black sweatpants.

You, however, were wearing green and black plaid, short-sleeved, and some standard jeans. You didn't have much fashion sense. Momo seemed to think otherwise, and you both stared at each other for  what seemed like an eternity, but in reality it was only about five seconds. The both of you looked away in embarrassment, and she quickly came and sat down next to you.

You began to snicker at how flustered you both were, and she soon joined in. Resuming normal conversations, it took a while before Midoriya and Uraraka showed up. Uraraka was plastered in her usual pink and dark red color scheme, and Midoriya with his greens.

After a few minutes, Midoriya laid down the basket that was at his side the whole time. It was a picnic basket, and he sat everything down. You didn't hear about this being a picnic, until you checked your phone and saw the discussion in the group chat. You mentally facepalmed, and introduced yourself to Uraraka.

She started first, though. "Hi! As you probably know I'm Uraraka Ochako! It's great to meet you!" Her bubbly personality was overpowering. "It's Y/N L/N, it's a pleasure." She smiled her iconic smile, and already started treating you like her brother. You enjoyed it, and you two were as close as you and Midoriya.

As your group ate, you could already tell that Uraraka had the hots for the broccoli boi. It was painfully obvious, and Momo noticed it too. You both decided to keep quiet, and let the two work it out on their own. After all, you had no right to interfere as you were dealing with your own crush, right? You felt like it was obvious how you felt about Yao-Momo, but apparently it wasn't.

She didn't give a single clue hinting towards that knowledge. She was oblivious as you were to her feelings. It would sound awkward if it was described to someone else. As it was, sometimes. Like what had happened earlier, the both of you admiring each other at the same time, while practically staring each other in the eyes.

As everyone began to finish their meals, your group all agreed to go to the mall. However, pretty much the rest of class 1-A was out and in the mall, so you ran into them there. I say them, but it was only Jirou, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima just standing near the entrance.

Which was strange, because you thought Jirou would be at the music store. When your two groups met, you mentioned it to her, and it clicked. It was closed. You and Kaminari both let out an audible "Bummer..." and it caused Jirou to snicker. "Oh well, better luck next time, I guess."

Everyone separated rather quickly. Uraraka wandered off with Izuku, Kirishima and Kaminari left to go find the others, and that just left you with Jirou and Momo. You suggested that you go to the library, and both of them agreed, to your surprise. You knew that Momo liked to read, but Jirou? She definitely did not seem like the person who liked to read.

She wasn't.

She just tagged along because she had nothing else to do. She did grab a few books for her folks, though. You spotted a few books of interest, which were mainly manga, and Momo grabbed a few nonfiction books, as per usual. You purchased your items, and waited for the two girls at the entrance of the store.

Warning! Mild terror theme up ahead!

Just then, you felt a familiar, cold hand wrap around your throat. "Feel familiar?" A raspy voice sounded behind you. You began to sweat a little, and you didn't respond. "Aw come on, no snappy comebacks? What happened to that brat at the USJ? Did I kill him off there?" He said, and you could hear the cold animosity in his voice. He taunted you, and let snippets of his plans slip out, seemingly on purpose.

Just as he let go of your throat and walked away, you heard the chitchat of the two girls you left in the store approach you. You didn't move. You were shaken to the core.

As they got closer, they seemed to notice your sort of catatonic state. "Hey, are you alright N/N?" (That means nickname, by the way) Momo asked, and you snapped back to reality. "Yeah, just spaced out is all." Neither of them seemed to believe you, but they decided to drop it and discuss it later, as it seemed to distress you.

You wanted to go home. What else could you do? Nothing seemed fun anymore. It was like that man sucked the happiness out of you. Like a vampire does with blood. "I think...I think I'm done for the day, guys." You said to the two girls, as you were walking to the exit. They paused their conversation. "Understandable, it's been a long day." Jirou said, and used that as a segue for her departure. As she left you two and went home, Momo spoke up.

"Y/N. I know you're not okay. Something clearly happened back there. Do you want to discuss it at your house or mine?" She said, with worry lacing her voice. You weren't getting out of this one. "My house, 7:30. Bring some snacks, please." It was 6:30. In an hour.

As the two of you split directions to go to your homes, you sighed. Why does this always happen to you? Having to vent onto others.

Whatever. You needed to shower. You felt disgusting. As you took said shower, you heard a knock at your door. You figured it was Momo, and it was. You answered the door without a shirt on, your hair still wet, and with a towel on your neck. You did this without thinking, and you only noticed because Momo's face flushed red.

You apologized profusely, and threw a standard t-shirt on. After she came in and cooled down, you explained what had happened. How you feared for your life for the second day in a row. How that man discussed his plans, and how he explained in detail how he was planning to slaughter All-Might.

She sat there in silence and disbelief. She was about to offer that you tell the school immediately, but your tired expression halted her. You seemed...hollow. Like you weren't really there.

She surprised you with a tight hug. Her warm embrace broke you down, and you weeped into her shoulder. She softly spoke calming words into your ear, and rubbed your back comfortingly.

After you finished crying, you let go of her. "Thanks a lot, Momo. I really needed that." You said, and smiled softly at her. "It's not a problem. Anything for you." She replied, and the both of you didn't take notice to that last bit.

After your parents arrived home and made you two dinner, she left for the night, and you stayed and hung out with your parents for the remainder of the night.

You obviously didn't tell them what happened, but you just watched movies and even played a few board games. Which surprised them. You were usually in your room, watching YouTube and playing games. After they went to bed, you went to bed as well, and ended this one hell of a day.

Word count: 1441 words.

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