Prompt 9 - Shackled

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If only life weren't so unfair... and cruel...

If only I wasn't who I am...

If only... if only I could just die...

Sitting in the same dark room with the gun still in his hand, Sholto leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. From somewhere off in the building he heard a voice, its pitch high and the tone loud. He couldn't tell what was being said, but he couldn't have cared less. He already knew the source; Jayceon's cracking voice was unmistakable. The fact that he could hear him meant his friend was getting closer, but he didn't want to be found yet. He was so used to being found within a few minutes that he had begun to almost enjoy the short time he had to himself.

Just him. Alone, hiding in the dark with his own blood on his hands and a sense of overwhelming sadness in his heart.

As if it could get any worse...

With a sigh, Sholto opened his eyes again and glanced down at the myriad of red rimmed bullet holes in his shirt. Journey had given him this outfit; she had insisted it made him look 'less like a dead person' and 'more attractive'. How ironic, he thought to himself wryly. If only she had given me something that made me feel less like a dead person...


Hearing Jayceon's voice, now very close, he winced. His friend was going to flip out when he finally found the small room. Sholto was less concerned about his friend's reaction to his physical condition, however. Rather, he was more worried about having to explain...


He probably won't even believe me... He thought as he sat up slowly, grunting as another wave of pain washed over him. Which means I'm going to end up in another hospital...


The door across the door flew open then and, sure enough, there was Jayceon. The light coming from the hall outside the door flooded into the room, and Sholto wished suddenly that he had chosen a more secluded spot. As it was, his friend was by his side in an instant, exclaiming and asking frantic questions as he hauled Sholto to his feet. The gun fell to the floor with a heavy sound, causing the other man to pause. Finally, Jayceon looked him in the eye. "Did... did you do this... to yourself?" He asked, his voice tinted with concern and surprise. Sholto nodded. When his friend just looked at him, he sighed. "I just... I'm sick of being shackled to the same life. I want..."

"... I need... to die."


Life is hard for immortals.

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