Prompt 14 & 15 - Torture/Manhandling

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"So, then. You lost again. I hate to say it, but this is becoming a pattern." The Sumeleian general said, his tone carrying just a hint of mockery as he stepped around to the front of the table. On the other side of the room, the head of the guard detail gestured to his men to advance. Kyst grunted as he was forced forward once more, the guards on either side of him grabbing hold of his arms and half-dragging him to the forefront of the detail. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw the head guard gesture once more to his men. Before he had time to think, his legs were abruptly kicked out from under him.

He hit the floor hard, a rough cry of pain escaping him as his injured side struck the stone surface. Behind him, he heard several of the guards snort with laughter.

"That's just pathetic."

At the sound of the general's voice again, a sudden silence fell over the security detail. Kyst opened his eyes briefly, glanced once at the Sumeleian's face looking down at him, then squeezed them shut again. For a few seconds he lay still, trying to recover his breath. The pain in his damaged shoulder and ribs worsened with every inhalation, but he couldn't adjust his position with both his hands and feet chained. Finally, he managed to sum up the strength to speak.

"Sadoc... why can't you just..."

He broke off with another cry as the general, angered by the sound of his rival speaking his name, lashed out with his boot-clad foot, striking Kyst in the chest. "Don't presume to give me orders!" Sadoc growled. "You are no longer in a position from which you may even address me! You have lost, and now you are mine!"

At a gesture from their leader, two of the guards came forward. Kyst bit back a scream as they grabbed hold of his shoulders and hauled him to his feet once more. Sadoc, noticing the agonized look on his rival's face, nodded with satisfaction. Then, turning to the head of the detail, he gave his instructions.

"Take him to the cells. I want him in the Inner Ring this time; don't give him any outlets for escape. Make sure he's secure first, then report back to me."

The detail head nodded. Sadoc turned to head back to the table, then paused. "And one more thing."

The guard blinked. "Sire?"

"Instruct the Keeper of the Cells. I want both his arms broken beforehand. It'll lessen his chances of escape...

...and make him easier to deal with."

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