Prompt 10 - Unconscious

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Knock knock.

"Dr. Reef? You're here. Please, come in." Alec's father said as he answered the door. Seated nearby, Mrs. Lane watched as the doctor walked over to stand next to the bed. Alec's unconscious form lay before him, covered by the sheet and wrapped in bandages but still visibly breathing, though slowly. Dr. Reef glanced at the boy's parents briefly, almost as a question. When the mother nodded, he sighed. Just at a glance, it was clear that Alec would need a great amount of medical attention. The misshapen forms of his legs and left shoulder, visible through the thin fabric of the sheet, were clear indicators that the boy would probably never walk or use his arm again. Or, at least, not without significant surgeries.

Most of which would cost obscenely.

After a more in-depth inspection, Dr. Reef turned to the couple standing behind him and shook his head. "It doesn't look promising." He began slowly. "For that matter, I'd say it's a miracle he's even still breathing. Still," Here he held up a hand to dissuade any interruptions, "That doesn't mean that he can't be saved. His injuries, though numerous and varying in severity, are not irreparable. Given the proper treatment and procedures, there's no reason for him to not pull through, though he would most likely be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life." He sighed. "The only issue is financial at this point. Those kinds of operations come at an outrageous cost, and he needs several."

Mr. and Mrs. Lane looked at each other, then nodded.

"Dr. Reef," Alec's mother said in a surprisingly clear tone, "We appreciate you telling us this. Really, we do. However, we have already considered every option available and, after much thought, made our decision prior to your coming here."

Dr. Reef raised an eyebrow, then a slight frown darkened his face. "Then, if you'll pardon my asking, why call me here at all? Unless you wish for me to advise you on which hospital would be best, I'm afraid..."

Mrs. Lane shook her head. "That won't be necessary." She interrupted. "It doesn't matter which hospital it is. As I said, we've already decided." Here she looked at her husband, who continued.

"Doctor, we've decided not to follow through with the surgeries."

Dr. Reef looked somewhat stunned at this. "Meaning you have decided what?" He asked, though by now he was pretty sure he knew the answer.

"We've decided... to euthanize." Mr. Lane replied. Then: "It's the best option. For all of us. We can't afford so many procedures, anyway."

With a sigh, the doctor glanced back at the injured form lying on the bed behind him. "I'm sorry to hear that." He said finally. "I'm just glad your son is unconscious right now, so he didn't have to hear that."

But he was wrong.

Though unresponsive because of his injuries, Alec had heard every word.

His death sentence.

From his own parents.

If Alec could have cried right then, he would have.

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