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Aiden POV:

Several days had passed since I was saved from Marcus and today I was finally being released from the hospital.

The doctors told me I had a minor concussion and a bit of scarring from the stabbing but it mostly all healed well. Then there was my broken arm and bullet wound.

I had originally freaked out when I saw the stitches in my stomach and how red and purple the area was but it's healed over as well and now it's growing on me. It makes me feel pretty badass.

As expected, over the past few days I've been smothered to death. My brothers wouldn't leave my side until mom and dad forced them to go to school. Even then they'd come straight back to their spots beside me after. The ones that don't go to school did have to go to work despite not wanting to at all.

Mom and dad wouldn't leave me alone for even a second though. They both took turns getting into the hospital bed and holding me. I wasn't complaining though. I really needed it.

I haven't spoken to anybody about what happened in the basement and truthfully I was hoping they wouldn't expect me to. I'm fine with never bringing it up again, I just know it won't be an option. My already overprotective family before is way worse now and they are going to need the full story.

I know they just don't want me to keep it bottled up inside but I'm scared that if I bring it up I'm not going to be able to get past it again. I already can't sleep without being bombarded by memories of the basement.

It made me feel ridiculous. What I went through wasn't even that bad. Compared to other people's experiences, mine was a trip to the spa. Still, I couldn't help but feel anxious and afraid whenever I was alone.

Another thing that frustrated me was that my family wasn't letting me see my friends. They said it might distract me from my recovery, whatever that means. I think they are just trying to soak up as much time with me as they can before I break out of my clingy shell and become my old self again.

Not that that's going to happen anytime soon.

Regardless, I have received millions of messages from my friends and we've FaceTimed a few times. I just wish I could see them in person. I could really use some of their brightness.

I haven't seen Gael either. Obviously it wasn't expected that he come visit me because I'm his friends sister, but after finding out he was my cousin, I guess I just expected him here. He might not even know that I know about him.

I had actually tried asking my family about him but they had all gone quiet and then changed the subject. It was getting annoying.

Despite knowing about who Gael was and what his intentions were with me, I still liked him. I didn't hate him at all. I just needed to speak with him and clear things up so we can move on.

That's why after a week of begging my family to meet with Gael I had finally broken their resolve and they had hesitantly agreed. I would be meeting with Gael today at 12. So about 5 minutes.

"Hey sweetheart. Gael is here." My mom said as she stuck her head in through the door of my hospital room. I smiled at her and nodded.

Sure I was nervous to talk to him but I was honestly relieved that I was finally getting the chance.

I looked over at Preston expectantly. He huffed and glared at the door.

"You have 10 minutes before I come to check on you. If he says or does anything you don't like then press the call button or yell for me. I'll be right outside the door." He says before standing up ans giving me a kiss on the forehead. As he was walking out Gael walked in and Preston being his usual petty self, aggressively shoved his shoulder into Gael's.

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