watch out!

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"Ms. Carter, what is the answer to the question on the board?" Mrs. Smith asks. The whole class turns their heads towards me and I blush. I hate attention. Ironic since my family is pretty popular at school and I do dance competitively.

I swear ever since the comment I made about her husband Mrs. Smith has had it out for me. Usually I'm a fairly good student. Call on me and I would give you the answer. The only thing is, I was absent the day she taught us how to solve this question. I have absolutely no idea what the answer is.

"I see. Maybe you should start paying attention in my class Aiden..." she grins, clearly finding my embarrassment quite enjoyable. I blush again and sink into my chair.


"Dalia got her braces off over the weekend. Who knew having straight teeth could take you from a 5 to an 8.5" Ethan, one of my brothers' idiot friends says. I scrunch my face at the disgusting statement.

"Why aren't you eating, Baby?" Dean asks, leaning over the table to look at me. I was sat between Hayden and Noah on the other side of the table. "Because of the disgusting conversation being made at this table. I've lost my appetite" I say, pushing my tray away from me.

"Come on, we were only rating girls" Sascha, another one of their friends says. I smile sarcastically. "Exactly" I say. "It's disgusting".

"Alright, I'd appreciate my sister not being exposed to your cruel games. Can we change the topic?" Noah says, noticing my discomfort.

When I was in 5th grade, the boys in my class made a list. This list rated all the girls in our grade from prettiest to...

I remember being so destroyed when I found out I came at 27 out of the 35 female students in my grade. I cried in the bathroom stalls until one of the girls found me and told the teacher.

When I went home that night I stole all my moms makeup and locked myself in the bathroom. I spent hours doing my makeup to to turn out looking like a melted box of crayons.

Emerson found me putting mom's makeup back in her and dads room and he was shocked. He picked me up held me over his shoulder while he carried me downstairs to the living room where the rest of my family was. They were also shocked. I ran to Preston and hugged him as I cried. I told my family about the list and they were pretty angry. They called the school the next day to tell them about it.

That night was one of my favourite memories of my family. Mom helped me clean the makeup off and everyone kept telling me how much they loved me and how beautiful I was. I was, am, so grateful for them.

When lunch was over I ran away from the table of teenage boys and into my next class. When that was over I went to my last class. Gym. Score!

I ran to the change rooms and pulled out the PE kit. Oh my god! The outfit is horrible. Baggy oversized shirts with the schools logo and a pair of shorts. I literally look like a homeless VSCO girl. I sighed and put the outfit on then tied up my nikes.

I entered the gym and was surprised to see that Noah's class was also in the room.

"Gather around grade 7 and 9's." The gym teacher Mr. Frey yells. Everyone runs up and stands around him. "The school has decided to merge some PE classes together this year which is why you are seeing older and younger kids in the same class. I hope that everyone respects each other as equals though." He says. I smile and turn to Noah.

"Looks like we're in the same class, lucky you" he smirks, crossing his arms. "Lucky me my ass" I say, crossing my arms to mock him. He scowls. "Just because we're close, doesn't mean I won't rat you out to the other boys" he says, glaring down at me. I groan. "Ever since you had that growth spurt you've been on their side, it's not fair!" I whine. He chuckles and ruffles my hair.

"Let's get in teams for dodgeball!" Mr. Frey yells, setting the dodgeballs in a line across the middle of the gym.

He gets all of us to stand in a line and gives us numbers, 1 or 2.

I got 2 and Noah got 1 so we walked to opposite sides of the gym and prepped for the whistle. As soon as the whistle blew I sprinted for the balls, picking up a yellow and purple one and running back to safety.

I handed one of the balls to Sandra, a girl in my class. I used the other one to hit out one of the grade 9 girls who I recognized from Noah's year book. The girl screamed and fell to the floor dramatically. "Oh my god! I think I sprained my ankle!" She cries. Her friends gather around her, offering her their support as she wails about her fake injury. Mr. Frey doesn't even look her way and I smirk.

"Watch out Aiden!" Sandra yells out to me. I was so distracted with my victory I didn't notice a ball headed straight for my head at full speed. It hits me hard on the side of my face. I stumble a bit and reach my hand up to touch it. Immediately my hand retracts itself from my face as I wince in pain.

Noah runs over to me from his side of the gym.

"Let me see" he says, pulling my chin upwards so he could see my face. He instantly gasps. "What the fuck?!" He yells. This time, Mr. Frey runs over to join us.

"Ah, that's gotta hurt! Why don't you head down to the nurse" he offers, examining my face. "No it's fine I can still play" I say, trying to reassure him. He shakes his head. "This is the last class anyways. Noah, assist your sister to the nurse" he insists. I sigh and Noah nods.

We walk to the nurses office and knock on the door. She opens up and gasps at my face. "Oh my goodness sweetie what happened?!" Gina asks. Ya, we're on first name basis. I come here a lot due to my anxiety. Whenever I feel an attack coming on or anything, the teachers send me to Gina.

"I got hit with a dodgeball" I say. She hums and sighs. "I'm not gonna bandage it because knowing you, you'll just rip it off before your family can see it. I will give you a pain reliever though." She says. I nod. The side of my head is throbbing. "Who's picking you guys up from school?" Gina asks, looking between Noah and I.

Since it was Monday I had dance. The boys' football practice doesn't end until 4 and my dance starts at 3:15. Noah does soccer but his practice isn't today so when I get picked up, so will he.

Oh cheeseballs!

"Preston" Noah responds. I shoot my head towards him. "What am I supposed to do with my face?!" I ask worriedly. He laughs. "Nothing, it's not like you got in a fight. Just tell him what happened." The idiot says. I groan and try to pull my sweater over my face as much as possible.

Gina smiles at me and says, "Ok, well if you have any trouble with your bruise be sure to talk to me or your doctor." "Thanks, Gina" Noah says. We wave bye and he walks me out.

I grab my bag from my locker and pull it on my shoulders. When we make our way to the front of the school I see Preston's car and panic. I pull my sweater up so it covers my entire face and I can't see anything. Not the brightest idea but I'm not good at improvising. Noah laughs loudly at me and doesn't bother to try and help me find our car. After running into at least 4 parked cars (I hope they were parked), Preston decided to help me.

"What's up with this idiot?" He asks Noah as he walks towards me. I freeze and turn the other way. Preston grabs my waist and stops me. "She's hiding from you" Noah says. I hate him. "And why would that be?" Preston asks. I shrug. He sighs irritatedly. "Why is your face in your sweater?" He asks, trying to pull the sweater down. I reach my arms up above my head and hold them there as if to give my head a hug.

"Let me see" he demands. I don't budge. "Aiden" he seethes. Jeez, he's pissed. I must've really annoyed him. Suddenly a finger protrudes my armpit and I scream, letting my hands fly down to prepare to myself. Preston pulls down my sweater and gasps.

"What the fuck happened?!"

Hope you liked this chapter!

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