✨sorry✨ ~ 17

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Luke's pov

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Luke's pov

I woke up with a plan swarming around in my brain. I quickly poofed up to Julie's bedroom only to find out that she had already left for school. Perfect. My plan was already working perfectly. I hopped back to the studio and shook both of the boys awake.

"Guys wake up, I have a plan. Get dressed and meet me at that coffee shop. The one that's like a hotspot for music industry people. " I told them before poofing off. I figured I would just find out a way to get Julie to perform with us outside the shop but when I got there, I found that there was a showcase that night. Perfect. My plan was already working better than expected. When the boys poofed in, I ushered them towards some seats. Leaving them to talk among themselves, I made my way to the sign up sheet. I started to scribble out Julie and the Phantoms for number 9 on the list. When suddenly I heard familiar laughter.

"Your handwriting is horrible." She laughed at me. My smile grew despite her teasing.

"It's not that bad!" I defended as she continued to laugh at me. She grabbed the pen and notebook from my hands and started to write out the same sentence I had just written out.

"Just slow down. Go letter by letter. Don't rush it too much or no one will be able to read it." She told me before showing off her perfect penmanship next to my chicken scratch.

"Thanks Dani. I'll try my very hardest to keep that in mind."

The memory faded and reality crashed back in. I smiled down at my horrible penmanship one more time before turning to my other 2 best friends behind me.

"Boys being a ghost definitely has its advantages, I just wrote our names on the playlist for tonight." I told them with a huge smile.

"I'm getting a little worried about him." Alex whispered to Reggie. "He keeps forgetting that Julie quit the band." He finished in a loud voice as he stared at me pointedly.

"And that she's gonna come back just as soon as she knows we have a great gig." I continued for Alex. Trying to convince him of anything was nearly impossible.

"But if she doesn't come back don't forget, we have somewhere else we can play. And eat pizza." Reggie pointed out. With a lovesick expression written all over his face.

"Dude I know it was awesome to be seen by lifers at Caleb's party but we got this with Julie and we don't need him." I told them before a shock like the night before shot through my chest.

It's that same thing again." Alex announced.

"It's just like yesterday." I continued.

"It feels like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain." Reggie told us out of nowhere.

"Look, do you think somethings wrong with us?" Alex asked me with a worried expression.

"Yeah we ate 10 pounds of pizza yesterday without a stomach. I'm sure it's just our bodies working through it." I consoled him.

"Isn't that Willie?" Alex questioned out of nowhere. The second we turned around, Willie whisked himself out of view. Alex followed him.

"Well someone's not focusing on our music." Reggie pointed out with a smirk.

We jumped back home and got into position for the second part of our plan. When Julie walked into the garage we all bounced out at her.

"We're sorry, So sorry, we're super duper crazy stupid sorry." We all sung to her.

"In case you missed it, we're really sorry." Reggie told her.

"Yeah I got that part." she told him angrily.

"We've been here. For like 3 hours." Alex announced before giving Reggie a high five.

"We almost sang to your little brother." I told her as I stood up from my seat on the floor.

"He comes in here a lot mainly to use the bathroom." Reggie informed her.

"Yeah not our favorite part of the day." Alex confirmed the thoughts that I'm sure all of us were thinking.

"But Julie, it wasn't ok that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you down." I told her.

"And none of us want to disappoint you. You're the best thing that has happened to us since we became ghosts." Alex told her honestly.

"So in hopes that you rejoin the band, we booked a new gig." I informed her as I handed her the flyer.

"A mega important life changing gig." Reggie announced from behind me.

"Check it out, tons of managers go here to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them all away and we're livin the dream." I told her with a smile.

"So this means a lot to you huh? Kinda like how playing in front of my whole entire school meant a lot to me." Julie pointed out.

"Sounds like sarcasm. I'm starting to think our plan isn't working." I heard Reggie tell Alex from behind me.

"Look we know we messed up" Alex tried to convince her.

"We need you in the band." I whispered to her.

"Of course you do. Because without me, no one can see you guys play. You know, I thought that the music that we were writing was special. But you're too obsessed with finding the one girl that wants nothing to do with you to even care." She spit out at me. The words stung but I tried my hardest to keep it together.

"I do care. Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again. With or without Dani." I told her honestly.

"Uhuh, right. So then why did you bail on me to search for her? I'll tell you why. Cause there's only one thing that you care about and that's yourself. " She told me before storming angrily away.

"She didn't mean it." Alex told me. Instead of listening, I just poofed away to the only place I could think to go.

-1019 words-

a/n - hey guys! thank you so much for the reads, sorry for the wait schools been a lot. love you all <3 - lennon

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