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1.7; unwanted encounter.

♡ leila anderson. ♡ 

It turned out that Mason, Matthew and I were the only group that was going to present early; the other groups weren't even finished like us (or maybe they just didn't want to present early) - but they didn't know that the reason why our project was finished so quickly was because we worked on it almost every day after school, just so we could finish and be away from each other's lives. 

The presentation went pretty well, although I was the one who did all the elaborate explaining on how volcanoes erupt (since the magma inside the volcano is less dense than the rocks surrounding it, the magma rises up and...kaboom!...an eruption occurs). And now I'm finally free! No longer will I have to hang out with Matthew after school, and no longer will I have to talk to him.

Right now I was walking home from a little trip to this café that was a moderate walk away from my house. I was finishing up a shake that I ordered from the café, which wasn't a very good idea, considering that it was now the second Saturday of December - and this is when the winter season begins, and everyone is already wearing thick jackets and winter clothes. Heck, next week is the last week of class before Christmas Break (Christmas was the week after next week). 

As I was walking down the crosswalk I seem to always cross, my eyes bulged when I spotted a group of four boys on the other side, loitering and talking. One of the boys just had to be Matthew Espinosa (and the others were his friends that don't attend our school), and I just had to walk past them to be able to go home. 

What to do? I thought as I now walked slowly through the crosswalk, taking all the time I wanted. I then realized that I had a hoodie on, and so I quickly put my hood over my head, my eyes making eye contact with the gravel road. 

I kind of eavesdropped on their conversation as I neared them. "Bro, can we go to a convenience store?" asked one of the boys, not Matthew. "I ran out of cigarettes and I'm kinda feeling one right now.

"Yeah, let's go-" I guess I should have been paying more attention to anything in front of me because all of a sudden, I found myself bumping into one of the boys and my shake spilt all over my hoodie with he cup falling to the ground - and for some odd reason, none spilt on the boy I bumped to! The bump also resulted into me stumbling backwards, almost tripping back, and the hood of my hoodie falling off.

I looked up at the boy I bumped into and glared at him. "Watch where you're going, Matthew!" I snarled and began wiping the drink off of my hoodie, though that just made the drink spread all over. I glared at Matthew even more when he began laughing at me. 

"Oh look, guys. It's little Leila." he acknowledged and smirked. All I did was roll my eyes in response, flipping him off and proceeding to try and wipe the drink off. The other boys just watched Matthew and I verbally fight. "And what do you mean watch where I'm going? You're the one who bumped into me." 

Not wanting to talk to Matthew and to start an argument with him, I just huffed angrily and picked up my empty cup from the ground, walking past him. I walked past a bench that had a trashcan beside it, and so I threw my cup in there. I then took off my hoodie, shivering once it was off because that article of clothing was the only thing keeping me warm. 

"You guys go. I have to take care of something." I heard Matthew's voice from behind me, and I hurried my speed because I knew that when he said: "I have to take care of something." he meant that he was going bother me even more than he already did. But too bad Matthew jogged to catch up to me, and was now beside me, walking the same pace I was. 

"Where are you off to?" Matthew questioned and I ignored him, staying silent. I know that his question wasn't very difficult to answer, because I was simply just going home, but I didn't want to speak to him - especially after what he did (maybe it was my fault, but it's better to blame it on him). 

Abruptly, after a few seconds, Matthew stepped in front of me, making me bump into him once again and stumble back once again. He scowled at me as he towered over me, making him even more intimidating. "I asked you a question, Leila." he pointed out, mad because I didn't answer him like he wanted me to. 

"I'm going home!" I answer him with a raised voice, due to me getting annoyed. 

"See? Was that so hard to answer?" he scoffed and went back to his spot beside me, the both of us now walking together. It was like we were a couple going for a walk together, and we probably looked like one, too, in someone else's perspective - which made me cringe at the thought. 

"Why the hell are you still walking with me?"

"Do you want to walk to the park? I doubt anyone is there, and I kinda want to go there." Matthew told me, not answering my question. I was pretty surprised that he asked me to come with him to the park, but I don't know why I didn't deny. From the spur of the moment, I just found myself shrugging like I didn't actually care, saying: 

"Sure, whatever." And we turned our heels, walking the other way, to the park. 


stupid leila she doesn't know what she got herself into. 

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thanks for reading, beauties. (✿◠‿◠) 

xo, laura.

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