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1.0; treasuring moments.

♡ matthew espinosa. ♡

How long have Leila and I been sitting on this damn ground for, staring at the sky? Oh yeah, about ten minutes now; and let me tell you - it was hella boring. I don't even know why I showed Leila this place, to be honest. I just really didn't want to work on our project. 

The sky was already darkening, so I checked my phone for the time: 3:30 pm. The sun usually sets around 5 pm or so, but since it was December, the sun went down pretty quickly in an earlier time. I bet the sky would be already dark at around 4:30.

"Well, this is boring as hell." I finally commented and laughed, earning a glare from Leila when she finally looked away from the uninteresting sky. Why was she even looking up for such a long period of time? I don't even know.

"Don't say that, Matthew," she defended, softening her glare but kept a frown on her face. "You should actually try and treasure the moments-"

"That I have with you?" I snorted harshly, interrupting her from babbling some deep crap about nature and 'treasuring' something, apparently. Leila's face twisted in disgust - of course. 

"No! That's not what I was going to say! Just...treasure moments like this in general, okay?" Leila hissed, her voice lacing with annoyance as she scowled at me. It somewhat amuses me, seeing her annoyed. "Plus," Leila added. "Why the hell would I have any moments with you?" 

I chuckled in a challenging way. "Oh please, Leila. We still have a science project to do - there are going to be more us moments than you actually expected." 

"The project is due just before winter break, Matthew," she pointed out, rolling her eyes and shifting, as she remained sitting crisscross-applesauce. "We'll finish it early and neither of us - you, me, and Mason - will even speak with each other, and then you'll be finally out of my life." 

"Winter break, huh?" I said and Leila nodded in confirmation. "That's only in a few weeks. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll actually agree to fuck me. I remember this one girl I hooked up with-" I got cut off by her this time - it was understandable, I guess. 

"Matthew, just stop it! I'm not ever going to hook up with you, and I honestly don't want to hear stories about girls who's hearts have been broken because of you." Leila spat out, irked on how I manage to mention hooking up with her in almost every conversation we had. But hey, it's kind of a natural thing, now - after all my sexual experiences, and all. And about the hearts being broken? Eh. 

"Look, can you just drop me off at my house? I have to go home now." she muttered and stood up from the ground, as did I. All I did was shrug without arguing (like how I usually did) and walked away, leading the path back to the car. 

♡ leila anderson. ♡

I just hate it. I just hate him in general. 

He thinks he can just keep bringing up hooking up with me any time he wants, but that really isn't the case. He can't just do that because it is disgusting! I know that I'm not one of the girls who he had left heartbroken - and I'll never be one of them - but just hearing him talk about them like they're some kind of toy just makes me want to snap his neck. 

Matthew is just plain sickening and such an ass. I can't even imagine how his parents manage to live and cope with him every day. And speaking of Matthew's parents - that's another problem! It's Wednesday today and we got this project assigned to us on Monday.

Everyday since then, after school, we always went to Matthew's house to work on it. Everyday, his mom would be there and would act as her normal, sweet self by greeting us three with a genuine smile and a kind "hello".

But then, Matthew would always interject and tell his mom to leave us alone, and then he would just hurry out of the room - and, of course, Mason and I had to follow him. Though, I always sent Jasmine a smile back, just as kind and genuine as she did with me.

And as for his dad? Well...I actually haven't met or seen his dad yet, but I'm sure he's a kind-hearted person, too. 

What I'm trying to prove here? Nothing, actually, since everyone can basically see what it clearly already; Matthew is an douche bag, an asshole, an ignorant little piece of crap, and let's not forget the best way to describe him as: heartless. 



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thanks for reading, beauties. (✿◠‿◠) 

xo, laura.

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