Chapter 02

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"Hmmm," Erwin Smith. Alpha. Blonde hair. Tall as fuck. With bushy eyebrows. He's the co-owner of Reckon Corp and he's currently skimming at the report of damaged that Petra presented.

The fucker was also my friend from uni. after we graduated, he decided to team up and start our own company. Fuck, that was five years ago, and here we are, proud owners of a leading company and me falling in love with an idiot.

"150 computers and one copy machine was damaged because of this new guy? Eren Yeager, was it?" Erwin glanced at Petra.

"Yes, sir." Petra nodded. "I was trying to help him-"

I marched my way to Erwin's table and slammed the check in front of him. "Shut up and take my money!"

"W-what?" Erwin gaped at me. His blue eyes switched to the check and my face. He narrowed his eyes, calculating and stealing the truth from me. Erwin had this weird-ass ability to tell if one was lying just by looking at the eyes, it was freaky but it helped us several times, especially when dealing with lying dealers.

"I'll fucking pay for the damages. Yeager is staying." I straightened and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What?" This time, Erwin and Petra exclaimed in unison.

Petra's reaction was justifiable, she worked for me since the company started. She knew that I never hesitated to fire someone may it be due to a simple error or having a crappy attitude at work, I fire them. And here I am, letting Yeager stay after what he did.

"Just shut up Erwin and take the money. Petra, get back to work!" I boomed at them.

"Y-yes, Boss!" Petra quickly bowed to Erwin and me before leaving the blonde Alpha's office. Though, I didn't miss the concern written on her face. What the hell was that? She's looking at me as if I was sick.

Erwin continued to narrow his eyes on me. Then, he leaned back on his leather chair and took the check. "Hmmm, I wonder who is this... Eren Yeager?" He smirked at me.

"He'll be under my watch. I'll make sure he won't get in trouble," I simply stated.

"And you're willing to pay all those damage equipment for him?" He arched a bushy brow at me.

"It was an accident. I'll make sure it won't happen again."


"Boss! Thank you so much for your help! I copied my first paper!" Eren cheered and showed me the paper that I had printed as practice for him.

The paper had a huge text saying: Hey, good looking. Wanna grab some coffee or tea?

But it seems like Eren never noticed it.

"Good job, Eren." Even though my first attempt of asking him out failed, I didn't mind. Seeing him this happy was nice. He looked adorable and handsome with that smile on his face. He was a ray of sunshine and I just realized how boring my life was before he set the copy machine on fire.

"Now, go get the files from Petra and make a copy of each," I instructed.

"Yes! Sir!" Eren saluted at me before leaving my office and it took my all not to chuckle at his adorable display. He's so fucking cute.

My phone rang and I groaned at the name flashing on my screen. If I ignored her, she wouldn't stop until the end of time. Fucking witch. Taking my phone, I pressed the green button.

"What?" I said grimly.

"Levi, what's this I heard? About you giving someone a special treatment?!" Hange scolded over the phone. She's a Beta and head of the creative department. She's also one of my friends from uni, when she heard that Erwin and I were starting a company, she jumped in despite the risk and opportunities knocking on her door. I had no choice back then, the three of us were roommates in the dorm and those shit heads refused to leave my side. Well, it's still nice to have them by my side after all those years of being a bitch around them.

"Special treatment? My ass. I'm just teaching Yeager how to use the copy machine."

"Yeah, and moving the new copy machine in your office?"

"So, I can keep an eye on him." I shrugged.

"Or you just want your eye on him and nobody else?"

I knew that she was grinning from ear to ear right now. Fucking witch, but I figured that Petra and Erwin knew my infatuation towards Eren. Fuck it, everyone would know and the last one to know would probably be Yeager himself.

"So? I don't like sharing." After saying that, I pulled the phone away from my ear as Hange screamed like a damn banshee. Thankfully, she stopped after five seconds.

"Levi! I'm so happy for you but... why him?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. That's what Erwin and Petra asked and I still had no answer. "I don't know... I just... I just like him."

Eren's stupidity was known throughout the office. Every employee was so shocked to see him still working after the copy machine incident.

Some bastard bullies on the floor even attempted to order him around like a slave but not on my fucking watch! Nobody dared to bully my Eren!

"Okay, I won't judge. I just want you to know that I support you."

"Thanks, Hange." I smiled.

I know it's hard to believe that out of all Alphas out there, I choose Eren and it's nice to know that Erwin and Petra supported me as well. They even offered their help but I politely declined. I want to woe Eren on my own accord. Call me a fucking over-possessive Omega bitch, I don't fucking care.

"You know what, to ease your mind I think the saying- opposite attracts each other- applied to you when you met Eren."

"Is that so," I hummed. That could be it. Now, I could fucking answer any shitty nosy employees, well, if they dared to ask in the first place.

"Yeah, I mean, you're smart and all while Eren is... well, a little down under."

"Hey, that's my Eren you're talking about," I growled.

"Overprotective, aren't we? Anyways, have you asked him out yet?"

"I did." I paused and watched Eren carried a stack of files that needed to be copied. He placed it in his desk on the corner that I had set for him, next to the brand new copy machine. He didn't seem to pay me any attention and just concentrated on his work.

"So? what did he say?" Hange continued

"It didn't work. I guess I need to rethink my strategy."


edited 02/26/21

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