Chapter 10

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Years later.

Before I left, I looked back at my husband as he fussed over our daughter, Isabelle. "I'm going to work!"

"Bye!" Isabelle waved. She picked up Captain and moved his paw to wave at me. "Meow!"

"Work hard!" Eren smiled at me. "And don't be late for Isabelle's moving up ceremony!"

"10 o'clock, got it!"

Closing the door, I took the elevator down to the basement parking lot. Tapping my foot impatiently while I watched the numbers light up as the elevator go down.

"Meeting would start at 8 and hopefully would end before 10," I prayed.

Today was Isabelle's moving up ceremony, from second grader she'll be a third grader next school year. The little girl had all the ribbons for being a good and smart girl in her class. She wanted Eren and me to put it all on her during the ceremony.

How long had it's been you say? Long, but those long years were the best and I had never been so happy in my life.

After Eren's birthday party, the brunette proved to me that he was indeed a real Alpha. And shit, that was the best sex I had. By the next morning, Eren prepared me breakfast in bed- omelette and jasmine tea that Carla brewed for me.

Before leaving Shingansina, I promise to Carla that I would never leave her son and love him forever. I also went and asked Armin if he wanna date my Captain America friend.

We went back to the city with Jean and checked out Eren's cat that he named Captain once we arrived. The brunette Alpha was so happy and Jean took a liking to the cat as well.

I stayed at Eren's place every weekend and after five months in our relationship, I asked him to spend my heat together. And that's when I decided to stop taking suppressant.

We're a year and a half together when Eren proposed to me. I had no idea what he was planning, he was confident that day that's why I couldn't tell anything. All his friends came to the city, even his mother to help him set up his surprise. I didn't expect anything, I thought it was just a homemade fancy dinner date with candle lights and roses on every corner. I was crying when Eren went down on one knee and pulled out a ring. After that, he told me he wasn't nervous because his mind was set on marrying me.

Fuck, that day broke me in a good way. The wedding was wonderful and I insisted on having a big ass wedding, to show off to everyone that I'm the luckiest Omega in the world and Eren felt the same. My mother, Kuchel, and my uncle, Kenny was there, and both had a great time. They spend two weeks in my apartment before they went back to France to open their bar.

Everything was perfect.

But at work things were the same. Even after our wedding and everyone in the office was invited, Eren still didn't get that I'm his boss. I didn't dwell too much on it, it didn't matter anyway now that we had different work schedules. Eren would go to work at exactly 8 while I had to time in at 7 and I left the apartment by 6. Of course, Eren moved out of his apartment with Jean and moved in with me. But it was perfect timing because Marco moved in with two-toned haired Alpha. And as for Armin and Erwin? The two hit it off immediately and they've been seeing each other every weekend.

We had Isabelle a year after our wedding. I never thought that I'll reach this point in my life, I hate children but everything changed when I had Isabelle. Her eyes were just like Eren's and she got her pale complexion from me. Her red-hair came from Eren's grandmother and it never failed to make Carla smile.

I arrived at the office at exactly 6 in the morning and prepared for the meeting. Silently praying that it would go smoothly and would end on time or early. But it was 8:10 and some of the seats were vacant.

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