Chapter 06

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Eren and I had been dating for three months now, could you believe that? Amazing, right? Every weekend we spend going out or simply sitting in his tiny apartment watching Disney movies or laughing at hilarious videos on YouTube.

Things were the same once we're at work. We're professional adults. Eren mastered using the copy machine and he's faster than everyone. He could finish copying files after files in a day. He's ridiculously good that I gave him a discrete raise. He fucking earned it.

It was Saturday and I'm driving to Eren's apartment to help them move. With Eren having a stable job, he could finally pay for a better place with his best friend Jean.

I never met Jean before, he was always out for part-time jobs. I wanted to finally meet him, just hearing him from Eren, he sounds like a good Alpha.

Parking my car, I could already see Eren going down the stairs to meet me. Quickly fixing my hair and clothes on the rearview mirror, I got out of the car.

"Levi!" Eren was beaming and I could not stop my arms from spreading, welcoming him to my embrace.

Eren stepped in, wrapping his arms around me, and squeezed me gently. "Thank you for coming." He whispered before kissing my face.

"Yeah, I'm here," I was smiling like an idiot while he showered me with tender kisses. I could get used to this. When Eren gained the confidence for cuddles and tender kisses, he always did those when we go out or just watch movies in his apartment.

Eren slightly pulled away. "I can't wait for you to meet Jean! He was being an asshole to me this morning."

"Why is that?" Taking his hand on mine, we walked towards the stairs.

"He doesn't believe that I have you. He said that I was just playing around with him when I said that every weekend I invited you over or if we go out." Eren pouted.

"I'm sure my scent lingered in your apartment since I stayed there very often."

"He smelt it too but he said that I sprayed some Omega perfumes in the place."

"Let's see what his reaction when sees that I exist," I chuckled as we walk hand in hand to their apartment door.

Eren was grinning when he opened the door and let me in first. Right in the center of the room was a two-toned hair Alpha, his back was facing towards us while he sealed the boxes with tape.

"Hey, Jean!" Eren called out. "Meet my boyfriend, Levi!"

"Haha, stop joking around Eren-" He rolled his eyes on Eren as he stood and faced us, then he froze when his gaze landed on me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, Jean," I waved at him casually.

"Do you believe me now?" Eren wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close while he rubbed his face on top of my head. Publicly scent marking me, I didn't mind his possessiveness at all. I loved it. "He's real, Jean!"

Jean was gaping like a fish out of the water as he stared at me. "What- ah, really? Wha?!"

Eren was proudly beaming at his best friend's reaction. Then he nudged me gently. "Why don't you two get to know each other while I bring some of the boxes down?"

"Sure," I nodded and watched as Eren effortlessly carried the huge box. Whoa, he's strong... Well, slam me to the nearest wall, you Titan!

"So," Jean finally gathered his bearings and grabbed my attention. "You're really going out with Eren? Like seriously?!"

I sighed. I'm used to this already, almost everyone I knew asked me the same question and I only had one certain answer. "Yes, seriously yes."

"What?!" Jean snapped and I jolted at his loud voice. "How come that loser had an Omega while I had nothing?! Not even a chat mate!"

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