gone, gone,

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"I will always... Think of you..." The acoustic guitar rang out in the small vila, no one was home as the teenage girl tried to play the chords to a song she had seen on a tv show that happened to have come on. No real rhyme or reason to it other than she thought it was a really cute song, and as she sang lowly with her eyes glued to the screen trying to figure out the chords. She didn't notice the sound of the front door opening softly, letting in a warm breeze to the air-conditioned home, Alex entered the home after a quick grocery store trip as requested by his parents. As to where they were? Work, of course, even on weekends in order to make sure every mouth was fed they did what they had to do.

Usually, they were always intensely busy even in the past, when it was just the three of them before Y/n it was already straining enough. It was the reason Alex drifted towards online, on the house desktop is where all his free time would be spent after school. Since his parents would never be home, the loneliness would push him towards Toontown and other online games just so he could have someone other than his own thoughts. Being alone sounds like a dream to most, but to Alex, he yearned for when his siblings would come home from school. And when they inevitably left for university and college, Alexis grew... Depressed even. Just sad, he didn't have friends at school nor could he talk to his parents that were mostly absent. Not that he never had any memories with them, he knew the situation and when they did manage to come home if they didn't immediately head to bed he had genuinely good memories with them. Alex was really understanding, it was a trait he kept into his adulthood and branched off into other iconic characteristics of his. Such as being empathetic and caring, a good soul who only wanted the best for others and did what he could for the people he cherished.

Though that didn't mean he was without his flaws. As in this quest to give the people he loved what he thought they deserved, which was the whole world, he saw himself as less desirable. He wanted to be the better son, the better best friend, and most importantly he wanted to be the best boyfriend... Even if he couldn't even get that status with Y/n. That self-doubt and putting her on such a pedestal contributed to the nagging doubt in asking her out. 

That was also what held him back every day after he left from coming back home to her, he wanted to be the best he could be... What he figured she deserved before coming home. She was his world, and he always was so grateful for her. Really and truly, he just wanted to give her the best.

But to him, in his eyes, he couldn't ever be what he wanted... For her.

Leading to checkmate that was their relationship, he was too afraid and in the present," he must suffer for it.

"I see your face when each day is through..." Alex's head snapped up from his shoes hearing that, the buttery smooth voice of the woman that was always there. When his loneliest and darkest hours would take their arrival she was there to soothe the internal pain like no one else. Her presence, her touch, just the way she looked into his eyes without saying a word... The way her eyes reassured and comforted him, making a chill go through his whole body and his breath hitch in his throat. He admired the depth of which those orbs held, so much emotion into one look he was sure her eyes were the secret to the universe, it was so... Special.

"And days go past..." He followed the sound of her murmured voice, she kept her voice low as he did with his steps. Quietly and gently resting the plastic bags of produce on the counter to put away later. Right now he had something more important to do, see her, have her hug him a welcome home, have her sing a song she's been trying to learn all day... But what really made everything so much better, on those early Sunday afternoons where it verged into being noon but wasn't quite there yet. Where the sun shone through the still pulled blinds of their quiet vila, the neighbours all already left their homes for work as it really was just the two of them on the whole street... Rather than Tiger who would lazily sit in the warm rays of sun that snuck through the curtains. What made this scene better? Well, it was seeing his beloved snuggled up in his hoodie and gripping onto his prized guitar. Strumming away, usually with difficultly, but that only made everything better when he'd come and sit behind her to gently grab at her hands and show her how to do it properly.

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