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Just as every other book before it, I must thank those that inspired me to continue writing and genuinely made this book possible throughout its development. It's been a ride, but after the last couple chapters were published and looking back on everything, though it might not be my longest book I am very much proud of it. To have so many people be apart of this journey, we're already half past two thousand reads... For perspective, my biggest ever book Calendar Girl only hit it's first thousand around this time. That's double the growth and know it means the absolute world.

So even if you're not mentioned, don't worry a single thing about it. I still appreciate you so very much, whether you've been here from the beginning, middle or joined in long after it's finished. To my loveliest ghost readers, those that have been reading along without voting or commenting, I may not know who you are personally but know just you being here helps. Having you read and possibly even enjoy my books is the world to me and consider this a shout out to you. ♡︎

and for personal shout outs...

BP98208 - my beloved it's the world to me to have someone as talented and amazing as you be here for every chapter. Having you comment and vote, encourage me always and always be there is a blessing. You are a blessing, and I'm so very thankful to have you.

MatchaBish - where do I begin? Oh my god do I ever love you? Every Quackity book of mine has you in the comments, just being so amazing and just enjoying my works. It means so much to me Matcha, and everytime you call me Gioli my god does it ever make me smile... Thank you, I really do love you.

ilysienaa - Siena, one n of course I really do appologize for spelling it wrong for so long... You deserve the absolute world, being a prominent supporter of mine and always commenting. Always enjoying my stuff and never afraid to show it thank you my love, it's always a pleasure to have you.

Static_Shadow10 - Static, my god what on earth would I do without you? Always willing to read through my works, build me up and reassure me when I'm unsure with a chapter or part... I love you so much and you've even been so kind as to possibly have me in your up and coming Quackity book. ( And everyone reading should very much follow her and keep up to date with that because it's going to be seriously awesome. )

4k1r41nn1t - You're just... Everything to me. Seriously, you've made me smile, laugh and caused the warmest and most comforting feeling in my chest with your comments. You have a talent, and don't go telling me otherwise, because you can make me feel so good about myself in a short comment chain and I seriously cannot thank you enough for it. I love you, and I really cannot ever thank you enough.

Your-Local-2d-Simp - Thank you so, so very much for always being here for me through every chapter... Voting and commenting consistently it really is so amazing to have you! You've been here since the very first chapter and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it :) Adore you so much, thanks!

iheartyourdad - My favourite crackhead, your support is phonominal to the point you were reading when you were supposed to be in class- I mean I love you but go to school you Baka 👹

Bosa_Dreams - Thank you so much for reading my dude, seriously I remember you being like... One of my sixtieth followers I think if I remember correctly..? And that was a while ago and ever since then you have been so supportive and so loving genuinely love and appreciate all your votes and comments saying how good it was... It's the world to me so really thank you!

ShilohAS - I notice you bestie no worries, thank you for always voting and reading through this book, means an absolute ton to me so really and truly massive thank you! :)

I sincerely apologize if I missed you and know that I still very much so appreciate all the time each and every one of you put into reading this, I hope you've enjoyed as it really was a joy to grow with this book alongside you all. I wish everyone a wonderful day, and many more to come. I hope this isn't the last time we encounter, and since you've made it this far if you really enjoy my works maybe consider following me? Thank you so much!

Till the next book, onward and upwards,
I sincerely hope I see you again,
giolibi :)

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