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"PLEASE don't leave me, Brother," Neoma said desperately. [Gosh, what am I saying?]

It looked like she had gotten attached to Nero more than she liked.

[Am I softie inside?]

"Neoma, I'll be back before you know it," Nero promised her. Then, he touched her face. "I will write to you as often as I could. His Majesty already asked for the Saint's permission to allow me to call you via Virtual Call twice a month."

'Virtual Call' was equal to modern time's "video call."

To perform a Virtual Call, there was a need for two pocket watches embedded with magic. If you put in the right "time" in the pocket watch, it would connect to the matching pocket watch. Then, the glass inside the pocket watch would act like a video camera where the owners of the pocket watches could see and hear each other.

[It's a very advanced magic in this world and so, each pocket watch that can function as a Virtual Call is very expensive. Only higher nobles can afford it for now.]

"Do we have a pocket watch, Brother?" Neoma asked curiously. "Is Papa going to give us our own pocket watches?"

"His Majesty already did," Nero said. Then, he pulled out the necklace that he was wearing from the inside of his dress. So, it wasn't a necklace. It was a golden pocket watch. "Here's mine." He pulled out another pocket watch from the pocket of his dress and wore it around her neck. "And that is yours."


"Our pocket watches are already set," her brother continued. "You just have to press the diamond inside to call me. To reject the call, press the ruby gem. And to receive my call, press the emerald gem. But only call me if it's an emergency, okay? The Saint doesn't allow communication devices in the temple. Thankfully, His Holiness made an exception for me."

"Okay, Brother," she said, then her forehead knotted in confusion. "Brother, why are you dressed up as a girl?"

"His Majesty was worried that there might be a spy in the Holy Hand," he explained. "To prevent the enemies from following me, His Majesty created a fake identity for me."

"Oh. Then, who would you be now?"

"I will be known as 'Lady Nara Quinzel' from now on."

Her eyes widened in shock. "Q-Quinzel?"

There was only one Quinzel clan in the empire and that was Duke Rufus Quinzel, the emperor's cousin on the mother side. It was also the duke who adopted her in her first life.

"Duke Rufus Quinzel, the emperor's cousin, adopted 'Nara Quinzel' so the fake identity I'm taking could have legal papers," Nero explained to her. "Duke Quinzel will also be my guardian from now on. In fact, his family even moved to Valmento so that they could visit me in the temple every weekend."

That fact didn't surprise her.

Even in her first life, Duke Quinzel had been very loyal to Emperor Nikolai. The duke would go to any war if her father asked him to. Moving to Valmento with his family to be Nero's guardian was something she could see the duke doing for His Majesty.

And Emperor Nikolai probably promised the duke something as a reward.

[But wow, Nero and I definitely switched places for real.]

"Are you okay, Neoma?" Nero asked worriedly. "You suddenly fell silent."

"I'm just wondering why His Holiness allowed you to fake your identity," Neoma lied. "I thought saints don't lie."

He laughed softly and pinched her cheeks. "Oh, my naïve little sister. Let's just say that the saint is doing this for the sake of the empire. After all, His Majesty intends to declare me as his official heir someday."

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