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☁︎︎ Third POV

Y/n slowly opened his eyes, he was met with a gritted, Japanese traditional, ceiling. He still felt extremely hot from his fever but now he felt a bit cooled down. Maybe it was because of the wet towel on his forehead, or the cool air around him.

Y/n's eyes widened slightly when he realized what had happened. He sat up quickly and cover his mouth. Unfortunately, he sat up way too quickly and started to have a coughing fit.

He hacked and coughed as it started to ruin his throat. Foot steps of someone running to his room, and a pink aura coming towards him, caught Y/n's attention.

The door swung opened and a pink aura boy was standing there. He had teal hair and sharp and stern light purple eyes. Colors that was unusual to humans so, Y/n concluded that this boy was a demon, but a good one since his aura was pink.

"What do you think you're doing up??" The demon claimed in a stern and a bit annoyed voice, "You're supposed to be sleeping!"

Y/n looked up at the demon with tired eyes and a blush from his fever, "Where am I?" He asked as he looked around trying to see if the place is familiar in anyway.

The demon boy flushed a bit at the sight of Y/n. His face was like a girls sort of, and the blush and his long lashes add to his natural beauty.

Yushiro was quick to shake his head, since he was straight and only loved Tamayo, "You're at Lady Tamayo's office. We found you in an alleyway, passed out. You're lucky that you were the slayer that was sent to us other wise I wouldn't have helped you anyways."

Y/n blinked, passing the aggressive words from the slightly shorter male. He nodded, showing that he understood. His voice not working the best at the moment.

Yushiro irked but sighed, "Stay here Lady Tamayo will see you shortly. She has 'unwanted' visitors at the moment."

Yushiro started to walk out of the room. Y/n blinked, he still had his hazy eyes. He looked around a bit before getting up himself. He's not gonna take orders from some child.

Y/n peeked out of the door and say Yushiro grumbling to himself as he walked down the hallway. Y/n was quick to his side.

"E-eh?!" Yushiro called out in surprise, "What are you doing here?! Go back to your room, hu— Just go back!!"

Y/n blinked once more before grabbing onto Yushiro's shirt with two fingers, "I don't want to be alone," he said in a hoarse voice.

Yushiro blushed a bit as he showed anger in his eyes, "No! G-go back!! Just go—" he sighed, knowing that this human is stubborn and won't leave, "Fine, whatever, just follow me I guess..."

Y/n eyes slightly shined as he nodded. Yushiro only huffed and looked away. Y/n didn't notice this, but Yushiro was blushing a bit as he and the other male walked together.

Y/n looked around the place up and down, interested in where he was at. He still had a cloth on his forehead that was meant to keep him cool.

He remembers that Hinata said that the person he was supposed to meet was named Tamayo. This is why Y/n followed Yushiro.

"Lady Tamayo, I have brought the patient," Yushiro announced as he opened a door, "He wouldn't stay in his room so I brought him with me."

Y/n peeked around the pink aura boy. His eyes slightly widened when he sensed a familiar pink and green aura.

"Y/n?! What are you doing here??!" Tanjiro exclaimed as he went up to his friend, Nezuko on his tail.

"Hey! Hey!! No!! 'Y/n' is sick at the moment! You two aren't allowed to get close to him!" Yushiro claimed as he got in between Tanjiro and Y/n.

Still Clouds || Kny x Male reader || Completed ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now