𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚-𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜

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Harassment, beating, gang fighting, robbing, arson, theft, and drug dealing are all criminal charges. All of which that the infamous Douma has on his record. He was a well-known criminal, having been caught on three separate occasions.

What is Douma's motivation on doing crimes left and right? Pure because he is bored with the world and wanted to 'add a little bit a spice to what life had to offer,' words that Douma himself said in court on his second arrest.

Rehab doesn't work for Douma, in fact many believed it made him worse because he had to follow more rules and was on a strict schedule. Douma only wanted to have fun, and what was his fun? Setting something on fire, beating a deadbeat person, and maybe stealing something here in there. All in the name of being bored.

"If I have to honest your honor, I will never murder someone, that's one line I will not cross. But if I'm out and about and bored out of my mind, you bet your ass that there's going to be a building on fire, someone half dead in the streets, and maybe a few stores missing their signs or what not!"

However, Douma has been losing his streak on setting things on fire and beating people half to death. In fact, there has not been a single offense from Douma since he was sent to a different 'type' of rehab. It made people wonder what he was doing.

Douma knew he was a bad person, in fact he's almost proud of it. But the law will always get in the way of his fun. He was sent to a new rehabilitation. At first, he thought it was going to be like any other rehab, boring and will let him out sooner or later. But oh-ho was he wrong.

Douma was pulled up to a house, a nice looking house at that. One that was in a slightly secluded land with barely any other houses around. Douma was definitely confused on what's going on.

Suddenly, the door of the cop car opened and there standing before Douma was a handsome looking man. Douma, with his odd rainbow eyes, blushed at the mere sight of this man. He was tall, he was handsome, and he looked like he could crush Douma any day.

"Douma, welcome to rehab," The man said as he helped Douma out of the car and closed the door behind him, "My name is Officer Y/n L/n. I will be watching over you from now on."

"Fucking crush me."


Yeah, Douma got a little crush on the officer that's watching over him. He is straight up down bad for this officer. He will do everything that Y/n says, flirt with him nonstop, and will not stop until he gets the kiss he wants.

Y/n thought this was going to be another criminal that he needed to take in. He had taken in gang members, murders, assaulters, and many others in his days. His method of rehabilitation is frowned upon but will be the last option if everything else falls under.

Douma was nothing like the other criminals that Y/n had had in the past. He was annoyingly touchy and flirty. He always made excuses for Y/n to stay with him, even to almost going as far as sitting on Y/n's lap, almost. This. Man. Won't. Stop.

Y/n sighed to himself as he remembers all the 'silly little pranks' Douma put on his in the past 2 years. He wasn't going to lie, he found Douma annoyingly good looking. The rainbow eyes aren't something you see every day, his annoying personality was slowly growing on Y/n, and even the flirty remarks are starting to make Y/n blush. How annoying.

Y/n looked up from the book he was reading. He noticed that Douma was on his bed staring at him with the most love-sick expression Y/n had ever seen on a person. He couldn't help but blush a bit, so be pulled the book over his face.

"What do you want now, Douma?" Y/n asked, his voice much more softer than when he and Douma first met.

"Nothing," Douma said in a calm tone, still gazing at Y/n, "I just can't take my eyes off of you."

Y/n scoffed, "You're never going to stop trying, are you?"

"Noope!" Douma teased as he popped the 'p', "Hey, hey, Y/n! I have a question~"

"It's going to be a pickup line, isn't it?" Y/n asked peaking over his book.

Douma chuckled as he swings his legs in the air since he was laying on his stomach, "How's the most handsome person on the world doing~?"

Y/n finally had enough. He was sick and tired of Douma's flirty remarks, it's getting on his nerves. That little stunt Douma had done, was the last line. Y/n calmly lowered his book as he took off his reading glasses.

"I don't know," Y/n said before looking up at Douma, "How are you doing?"


Douma had a pointed smile as his mouth hung opened in shock. Did Y/n just flirt back at him? The Y/n L/n, who hasn't shown any sort of interest in Douma whatsoever, flirted with little old Douma?!

"So? How are you doing, handsome boy?" Y/n asked as he crossed his legs, perched his elbow on the armchair, and rested his cheek on his hand.

"I... I uh..." Douma stuttered as he blushed uncontrollably, "I-I'm do-doing... fantastic now..."

Douma could feel his face heat up because of the growing blush on his cheeks. He placed his hands on his red cheeks in order to cool his face down, but nothing was working. He couldn't help but squeal to himself like a little schoolgirl speaking to her crush.

"What? Cat caught your tongue?" Y/n questioned as he got up from his seat and went over to Douma, "What's wrong, pretty boy?"

"S-S-S-STOP!" Douma shouted as he sat up and turned away from Y/n.

Y/n slightly tilted his head to the side, "What's wrong? I thought you'd like it if I flirt back, no?"

Douma clutched his shirt where his heart was at, he could feel it beating a million miles per hour, "S-Stop it! You-You're going to make my heart burst! No way you like me back, no way!! You're playing with me, right, you gotta be playing!! If so, it's no funny, no-no! Not funny at all, Y/n!!"

Y/n raised a brow, he softly placed his hand on top of Douma's feel one, "But what if I say I really do like you? What if I say that I'm willing to be with you?"

"No..." Douma sniffed as he hung his head, "You have to be playing, no way you'd like a criminal like me. I like you, but there's no way you like me back.

"I'll just wake up from this dream and everything will be back to how it was! Or-Or you're going to say that you really hate me! It'll be like that nightmare again! All over again!!"

"Oh Douma," Y/n whispered softly as he guided Douma's face to look at him, "Trust in me when I say I really to like you, Douma. See? Can't you tell that this is real life? It's not a silly dream, nor is it a nightmare, I really do like you, Douma the criminal who stole my heart."

Douma's teary eyes widened as the raging blush calmed, "I... I like you too, Y/n." He sniffed, "I really, really do like you..."

Y/n smiled softly as he rubbed his thumb over Douma's face, "That's the spirit," He carefully leaned in and kissed Douma on the lips.

Douma closed his eyes as he immediately kissed Y/n back. His heart was going too fast than what he liked, but it was okay. Douma now has Y/n on his side. He now had Y/n as a lover. Officer Y/n L/n liked him back, after all these years of trying.

Douma loves Y/n, and Y/n loves Douma. An officer and a criminal. Good and bad. One overly lively, the other with a consent deadpan face. But you know what they say, 'Opposites attract.'

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