Wildcat, Meet Drift

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"Alright, Row, Pups. Meet Wildcat!" Ryder introduced a ginger-colored cat, with a mohawk. "Hi, Wildcat!" The Puppy Patrol and Row greeted. "Hi guys!" Wildcat greeted back. Row remembered something. "And I have a surprise as well." Row said. She got her pawpad and pressed a button. "You're on, Drift." Row said to the pup at the screen. A motorbike, with the color maroon and black, with a big tasmanian pup riding on it. He stopped right infront of them all.

"Howdy, ya'll. My names Drift." Drift introduced himself. "And I'm the newest member of the Puppy Patrol. Also the first male and tasmanian pup on the team!" Drift added. Wildcat looked at Drift, weirdly. "Hi Drift. What can you do?" Roxy asked. "I can drift on my bike, shoot out nets with my bike, and let out a drone under my motor." Drift answered. A while after, Wildcat and Drift were hanging around the playground.


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