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ONCE FINAL CHAPTER IS RELEASED THIS STORY WILL BE UNDER EDITING. I wouldn't say its bad, so you can continue it with no problem. Please give it a chance the first few chapters might be wonky but it gets better I promise.  There will be 2-3 jumping to the future and the past, it might be weird but just keep reading I'm pretty sure you guys will understand it. Okay bye love u.

The sun today was beautiful although i'm sweating like a pig, i enjoyed having to walk to Eren's. His path home was always so noisy, kids playing in the playground or people having cookouts. I loved it.

I'm surprising him with his favorite cookies, because i'll be out of state for a while. I won't be able to make them every Saturday like i'm used to. I'll miss him.

I arrived to his house. A gorgeous brown house with a black front door. His father built it, so it's different than everyone else's. His father was always such an inventor. I'm also going to miss him. He is like a second father to me after mine walked out. Same with Carla, now that my mom lives in London for her work she has been the one to send me dinner everyday or invite me over. I'll miss the Jeager family while I'm gone.

I pull out the sliver key and unlock the door. I take off my shoes and put them to the side. I'll never get tired of admiring the house so i stay there and look up at the high ceiling and the open windows letting the light in.

A noise up stairs knocked me out of my thoughts. I began to make my way up stairs. But the closer i got the louder the noise became.  That noise was definitely a girl.

please don't tell me he's doing what i think he is. I thought. My heartbeat quickens and my palms start sweating. I really hope he's just watching porn. But to my dismay when i open his door, there he was on top of a girl with no clothes on.

They both snapped their heads to the door watching me. The boy i spent my 3 years of high school loving is definitely cheating on me. I was so in shock that i didn't notice when Eren appeared right in front of me. He was saying something but i didn't listen. All the words came out like he was at a distance.

I regained my thoughts, it's brought me right back to this reality. That I really fucking wish was not true. He was still there talking. The brown haired girl he was fucking was still there hiding under the covers like i didn't already see all of her.

The next thing i know my hand is against his cheek and his head flies to his right. I feel so betrayed. I throw the bag of cookies and run out the door.

He chases me. I really don't wanna be chased right now. He grabs ahold of my wrist and pulls me around.

"I'm sorry, she doesn't mean anything to me." he said.

I just try to get my wrist out of his hand. I don't want to listen to what he has to say. But he continues talking. I drown him out.

"Let me go" i whispered scared that if i speak with my regular voice i'll break down. He doesn't. it's like he didn't hear which he probably didn't since i said it in such a low tone.

"FUCKING LET ME GO" i yelled while pulling my wrist away from his hold. He did.

"i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry. I fucked up. I'm a dick. Please let's talk." he whines.

"Why is she up there still? any normal person would've left already. Did she know you have a girlfriend?" i said calmly. Trying to put two in two together. He just looks down at the floor. I push his head up buy hitting his forehead. That's when i saw it. Those eyes that once looked at me with so much love and care, have been lying to me all this time. I knew instantly this was not a one time thing. I completely start crying. Tears run down my cheeks so quick that i can't clean them up fast enough. I really didn't want to cry.

"You done it before, huh?" i asked in a whisper. I really did not want to know the answer. But i pushed.

He nodded. He fucking nodded his head yes.

I turn around and run down the stairs. He doesn't touch me because he doesn't want to risk me falling down them, but he still follows. I get to the bottom and start putting on my shoes. I want to leave as quickly as i can.

"I fucked up Im sorry." he cries.

"yeah you did." i said before i walked out of the house down the street on the way back to my house. Men fucking suck.

 Men fucking suck

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