Chapter 4: Unexpected Meeting

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You and Cynthia have always been two peas in a pod ever since you were 5 years old. Always together, and always happy to hang out with each other. However, about 8 years ago, Cynthia caught herself a Togepi on a birthday trip around the Sinnoh region. You had no idea how she was able to go all the way to route 230 to catch one, but apparently her grandma had given her the Togepi, instead of her catching it herself.

Which is all the more reason to have been embarrassed that you felt angry that she managed to get her hands on such a rare Pokemon, so against your own conscience and the Pokemon that belonged to your best friend, you took her Togepi when she wasn't looking. You were found out soon after, but the Togepi was too good to pass up, and the scheme went too far to just give up, so Cynthia had to chase you all the way up north of Sinnoh, to route 216. You two went into the snow without preparing, and to add to the chaos, Cynthia was really mad at you.

"[Y/N]! Give Togepi back! Get your own Pokemon, you already have Pokeballs of your own! Come on! Give her back!"

"No! Togepi is really hard to find! Just let me have this one! You can get another one of them, can't you!?"

The chase went on for a few more minutes until she decided that she's not going to put up with me any longer.

"Gible! Take Togepi back from [Y/N]. I've had enough of running after you, you jerk!"

"Hmph! Larvitar, don't let Gible take Togepi from me! Go!"

You both send out your Pokemon, and they both jumped out of their Pokeballs ready for action. But when Larvitar saw Gible and vice versa, they decided not to obey either of you. And at the time, Cynthia and you were too stirred up emotionally to try and understand why they won't fight. You thought, "why wouldn't they? Pokemon are supposed to obey their trainers, aren't they? Then why's Larvitar just sitting there?" You only realised a few moments later that Larvitar doesn't want to fight, not because he's being rebellious, but because he doesn't feel the need or desire to fight. And neither did Gible on Cynthia's side.

So the two of you got stuck in a stalemate, or more accurately, neither of you want to see each other right now. You and Cynthia sit down on opposite ends of the snow, the silence between you far louder than the worsening snowfall. Honestly speaking, you feel your fingers starting to feel numb, but your pride won't let you move a muscle until Cynthia apologizes. But after a few minutes, and worsening shivers, you finally hear her say something. But not the words you expected.

"[Y/N]... I feel.. R-really cold..."

You couldn't hear what she was saying over the snow storm, but there was an audible thud on the ground. You expected it to be Cynthia looking at you with a puffed up face, probably about to tell you that she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore. Fearing that, you decided to turn around and swallowed any trace of pride you had. But instead, you saw something that sent shivers down your spine. Both figuratively and literally.

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry for taking your Togepi, Cyn-... Cynthia? Hey, wake up. Come on, get up, we're going down the mountain now. I'm sorry."

No response from Cynthia at all. Your heart started to beat far faster than you can breathe, your thoughts racing faster than they've ever been with the imminent chilling blizzard.

"Cynthia. Hey, Cynthia! Wake up! Please! We need to climb down this mountain! I can't... Rggh! I can't carry you! I can't feel my fingers! Larvitar! Gible! Help me out here!"

No, no, no. This can't be happening. You have to find somewhere safe! There wasn't enough time for you to find the path. The entire field has been covered in a thick, deathly white layer of snow. And you couldn't even carry Cynthia with Gible and Larvitar's help. The two Pokemon tried to help out, but not to much avail. They're too short to properly carry her across the snow. Dammit! Cynthia was going to freeze if this keeps up. You ended up dragging her across the snow with Larvitar and Gible to help. But any sort of cave to find warmth was too far out of reach to run towards. After a mere 2 minutes of struggling against the weather, your legs gave out and you fell face first into the snow. This is it. You weren't going to make it out of this. Knowing that, you decide to bring Larvitar back into his Pokeball so at least he'd be safe. You and Gible hold Cynthia close to yourselves, just for sentimental reasons, if anything.

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