Chapter 13:Be Mine Forever

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Harry's P.O.V.

The baby's due date was coming soon and we were out buying some last minute things for the diaper bag.We didn't know what the gender was because we decided we wanted to be surprised.We were just walking out of the grocery store when Alice grabbed my arm making me stop.I turned around to see a puddle under her.I rushed her to my car and drove to the hospital.I was now waiting outside her room for them to say I could go back in.

"Mr.Styles come on in."

I walked in to see my beautiful girlfriend holding our new baby in her arms.I noticed the blanket was pink.It was a girl!

"Do you want to hold her?"That beautiful angelic voice asked me.

"Of course"

I cradled the newborn in my arms as she slept like a rock.

"What are we naming her?"I questioned unaware of what Alice had chose.


I smiled at the fact she remembered my suggestion.At the end of the day they realized her from the hospital after we signed the birth certificate and got the lads to calm down.When we got home we were all exhausted.I watched from the bed as Alice placed our little angel in her crib and then laying down next to me.Now we had a family.Looking at my two gorgeous girls I feel into a deep slumber.Around 1am I woke up to the baby crying.I got up rushing over to the baby hoping she didn't wake up Alice.I picked her up in my arms and sat down in the rocking chair next to the crib.

Alice's P.O.V.

I had heard the baby crying but before I could get up it stopped.I slowly opened my eyes to see Harry rocking her while quietly singing little things.I smiled before closing my eyes and returning back to sleep.The next morning I had been laying in bed for awhile.I finally got up at the sound of Eleanor and Dannielle's voices along with all of the boys.

"Your awake"They said giving me a big group hug.

"Look what we got for the baby"Eleanor said holding up a bunch of adorable clothes.

"Awww these are so cute thanks you guys"

"Ooh ooh look what I got."

Louis said excitedly showing me a striped dress with red leggings and a pair of toms.

"Are you trying to have a minutes twin Lou"Harry joked walking out of the kitchen.We all laughed before Darcy started crying again.

"I got her"Harry announced stopping me from leaving the conversation.

"So are you scared about Malcom ever coming after her."

"No he doesn't even know about her and hopefully by the time he gets out of jail he'll have forgot all about me."

"I hope your right because I don't want to lose my beautiful daughter or my wife."

Harry said while hugging me from behind.Then that last word started to stick out in my mind.

"Wait what?"

I was frozen as Harry got down on one knee and grabbed my hand.

"Alz we've been dating for awhile now and I know for sure that i'm truly,madly,deeply in love with you.And I never want to wake up one morning to see your gone.I know it's not very romantic but I couldn't think of a better time to do it.All of our friends are here and our daughters entered the world.So,Alice Maryanne Parker,will you marry me?"

I had buckets of tears falling out of my eyes as Harry opened the box revealing a beautiful ring.


I shouted as I leaped into Harry's arms.He sat me ask down and placed the ring on my finger.

"I guess it's official Hazza doesn't love me anymore"Louis joked at us.

"We'll you have me boo bear"Eleanor stated to Lou.

"Yeah Hazza look I've got this now"

We all kept talking about random things.Eleanor and Danni kept trying to plan the wedding that wasn't even scheduled yet.I couldn't wait for that day though.

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