Chapter 4

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Alice's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up with Harry's arms still wrapped around me.The first thing I did was grab my phone.I had two missed calls and a text from Malcom.

"Hey babe do you wanna come meet up with me.I have something for you ;)"

I text him back and said sure so I got up unwrapping Harry's arms and headed home.My parents were at work so I went straight to my bedroom and got changed throwing on my make up as fast as I could so I wouldn't keep him waiting that long.Beens it was so cold outside I had on about five layers;I almost looked like an Eskimo.I finally got to the place where he asked me to meet him.It was a huge house that almost looked like a mansion.I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.When Kenna opened the door I was so shocked I almost fainted.I started to say something to her about the text messages when Malcom appeared behind her.

"Hey babe"He slurred out.I could tell he was drunk.I walked in the door and before I could get all the way in he pulled me the rest of the way and dragged me up the stairs.

"What are you doing"I said raising my voice.

"We're going to go have some fun"

"We've been dating for a week"I said trying to get him to think for a minute.

"Exactly we should have done this a week ago"I started to walk away but he grabbed my wrist tightly and jerked me backwards

"Come on and be the slut you really are,otherwise Kenna can help me with that"

That threw me over the edge.The guy I was In love with was gunna leave me for that unless I gave him what he wanted.I always thought of waiting until I was married.But then again nobody ever does that,right?I let him pull me into the bedroom.Letting all of the thoughts in my head come out through my movements.

Harry's P.O.V.

I woke up and realized Alice had left.I looked at the clock and it was already noon so it didn't really suprise me.I decided to text her to make sure she made it home ok but I didn't get an answer.I got up and thought everybody might be hungry so I started making some pancakes.After about two minutes the smelled filed the house and everyone started waking up.And of course the first one to get up was Niall.We all sat down at the table and started eating.When I got done I still hadn't for a reply fromAlice.I dialed her number but before I could hit send Eleanor's phone started ringing.I heard her saying a few short answers like ok,yeah,sure but I still couldn't figure out if she was talking to Alice or not.She finally hung up and before she could rush out of the kitchen I was able to ask her if it was her.She said yes and then rushed out the door.

Alice's P.O.V.

I didn't know what to do I was sitting there so confused about what I had just done.Finnally,I heard the door to my bedroom open and saw El walk in.

"Ok Ally what's wrong"

"It's Malcom"

"What,what happened"

I told her what happened and she looked a little shocked.

"I never liked that guy"

"You were the one who helped me ask him out"I stated as we both laughed a little.

"But why would you let him and Kenna get inside your head like that"

"I don't know I just felt like he wouldn't love me anymore"

"So are you gunna break up with him"she asked me as if she didn't already know the answer.

"I'm not sure ill take care of it Monday"



I was walking out of school when Harry got up to me.

"Alz what happened"he asked with concern in his voice

"What do you mean"I knew what he was talking about but I was still trying to think of how to tell him.

"About Malcom,did you break up with him"


"WHAT?!?! Why"

"Because I date who I wanna date so I get to decide if I dump him or not"I said kind of annoyed that so far they all acted like it was I crime that I didn't dump him.I just walked off rushing to get away without having to answer any questions.I planned on going home but ended up at Starbucks.I sat there for about an hour.After I finished my coffee I just didn't feel like leaving yet.My brain was going in circles and I was beginning to feel sick.I started to get up and order something to eat but talked myself out of it.I just walked out and headed home.They were at it again.I just snuck through the living room to get upstairs as fast as I could.And the fact that I heard my name in it this time made it worse.

Little Things:A Harry Styles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now