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*You stood in a black void

*You wanted to SAVE Cross but didn't make it

*You are sad

* . . .

* . . .

*You suddenly feel like you aren't alone

*There is something else here

*No someONE else here

* . . .

*They are familiar

Hello Reader

*The author

*She had tried to warn you but you didn't listen

I'm glad you realized that.

I did try to warn you something bad was going to happen

*You don't understand

Well then I guess we are on the same page

*You ask her what she meant by that


I don't understand why you didn't listen or why you even trusted me to begin with

*You wanted a happy ending an ending only she could give you

Ah yes, happiness.

That's what you all want, isn't it?

but what is happiness without a little suffering?

*You tell her they all suffered enough

No, YOU all suffered enough.

You all want the tears to stop and the ache in your hearts to go away

*You ask her about the happy ending

This story does have a happy ending.

I won't let my little soul suffer

*The author holds a blank human SOUL

*You ask whos SOUL that is

This little old thing?

This is the princess's SOUL of course

All of my creations have a SOUL


Just not all of them have proper bodies sadly

*You go to ask what she was talking about

It's nothing Reader

Nothing that concerns this universe anyway

It's another problem for another day

*You ask to go back

*You want to go back

*You want to go back to your family

That's cute


But if that's what you truly want

I will allow you to see this story through


Moonlight Princess (Empireverse Nightmare x Child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now