Chapter 1: Officer Jones

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"Catch me if ya can jerk offs!" You yelled as you sped off in your car. A police car was chasing you.

The blue and white vehicle managed to pull you over. One of the officers got out of the car. He wore the regular blue uniform but his build was pretty noticeable. His hair was a dark shade of black with a little cowlick sticking out from the top that you couldn't help but look at. His eyes were a bright blue and they almost seemed like they were glowing under his thin, black framed glasses. He also looked extremely pale. You didn't know anything about him but one thing: you liked what you saw.

He knocked on your window with his knuckle and you put it down. "Can I help ya officer~?" You asked, smirking slightly, hand still on the wheel.

You weren't exactly a goody two-shoes in general. You didn't dress the most modestly, you could possibly buy a pretty nice house with all the credit cards you got from 'boyfriends' but you already have a nice one. You were getting ready to zoom off.

The man smirked a bit, showing a sharp pair of canine teeth, and leaned on the window frame. "I need your license and registration please."

You handed him the documents, which he accepted. He looked over them and smiled. "What's a little devil like you doing, speeding on the freeway~?"

"I'm trying to get to my mother. She's currently in the hospital." You lied, twirling a strand of hair with your finger.

"Oh really? What happened~?" the officer asked leaning in the window a little more. You looked in his glowing, cat like, blue eyes.

You started to feel pretty strange. You slightly glared at him as a warning to move out of your personal space. "She fell down the stairs because she leaned to close in the doorway."

"I don't like liars all that much you know." His smirked disappeared and was replaced with a scowl. Like Jesus dude, it was just speeding. "I'll let you off with a warning miss (L/N). If I see that again I won't be happy. And I'm not one you want to anger."

"Ok I'll remember that officer?"


"Right. See ya around." You said as you pressed your foot against the pedal, zooming off down the road, leaving the officer in the dust. Officer Jones cleaned his glasses and got back into the car with partner, Matthew, who was sitting at the wheel, picking at a donut. He had long-ish blond hair with a long curl that petruded out from the front of his head. He was also frighteningly pale with a pair of glowing violet eyes that were shaded by his circular rimmed glasses. "Is that the girl?"

Jones nodded. He reached in the box and grabbed a chocolate glaze. "I wouldn't be surprised. She looks an awful lot like 'er."

"You should stop stalking that girl... what was her name? (Y/N)? It's kinda creepy and might blow your cover. You can't even mask yourself properly."

His partner scowled again and took a sip of the coffee. "I don't care about my cover. I just want her." He heated his coffee with his wait... his hand? How's that possible? "That's the point of being here right? I'm tired of being pestered to find a proper mate that isn't a succubus and is sinful enough to bring back, if you catch my drift. I'm a king after all. I have more important things to do."

"Like what? Sitting on your ass, playing video games all day? That's important!" Mathew said sarcasticly.

Alfred quickly got a hold of his partner's neck. "Say that again and you'll be headless for another week."

Mathew struggled to loosen Al's grip until he finally let go. Alfred leaned back and sipped his coffee like nothing happened. "You're so damn lucky that I don't want to hurt my own brother. 'Cause I can."

"Bullcrap. You can't even face your advisor!" Mathew mumbled. He took a sip of his own coffee before his brother took it and poured it on his head.

"Say that again. I DARE you." Alfred let out, his voice like venom. Mathew shuddered and scooted to the side, away from Alfred. "Now..." He got out of the car again, drinking the last few drops from his cup and stealing another donut. "...I have some things to attend to." What seemed to be ram horns suddenly sprouted out the top of his head. His spaded tail waved out and he sprouted wings and flew off.

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