Chapter 5: New Tastes

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I looked through her window.

She looked so delicious, I almost wanted to just... break the window and swallow her up. Although... I'm sure "his majesty" would be pretty angry. I can't really see why he's in love...

She nibbled on the toast while blending some fruit together into a smoothie and sat at the table, all while my eyes were stuck on her half blue, half red soul that burned like a flame, tempting my appetite.

"She's quite unique, non~?" My "partner", Francis slithered out as he ascended from a UW portal, "She would make a fine snack."

"She wouldn't just be a snack you twit!" I exclaimed, angerly, "She would be the main course~"

"Ohonhonhon~! I like zhe way you think~"

"Yes! And I can prepare her!"


After I said that, Francis made this weird, disgusted, face. What's wrong with what I said?


The phone rang again, much to your annoyance. You picked it up again.


"Hey what's with the yelling? And I didn't call you earlier..."

'Oh shiiiit! It's Amy.'

"Oh hey... Sorry. Some guy kept calling me, asking if I felt like I was being watched. Can you believe it?!"

On the other side of the call, Amelia gasped. "What was the number? Did it even have a number?"

"It was... 666 or something..."

She felt concerned. The only time he uses his real phone number with regular people is when there's a serious problem.

"666... I-I think it's just some sort of prank...." Amy squeaked out, "Just forget about it... Anyway, remember where you're going?"

"Y-Yeah... The Balcony right?"

"Yup. I'll send you his digits so you can text him when you get there."

"K! See ya."

"Bu-bye hun bun"


[214-xxx-xxx-xxxx kk?]

[That's the number? Better than 666...]

[Don't get hung up on that! Just have fun tonight. He's a real card]

[Card ?]

[60's talk hunny. He's funny]

Amelia sighed an put her hand to her face, trying to remember what generation (Y/n)'s from.... She ain't that old...

For her sake, hopefully her brother doesn't think of pulling a fast one like usual by... well.... 'taking her out to eat' in that kind of way.

'That's... something Artie-kins would do... hehe!' She thought to herself.

[Well... Ok. Are you sure he's not the type to /play/ me like a /card/~? Lol]

[No... He is not really the type to get out lots. Too... pale....]

[Oh god... don't tell me you hooked me up with some WoW playing basement dweller...]

[Nonono! He's a cop. He never has time to do so...]

[Oooh~ a cop? I'm listening~]

[That's all I'm giving away hun~ He asked me not to tell much. Same with stuff about you... though... I'm not good with secrets]

[Ugh... How much does he know ?]

[.....quite a bit?....]

[ WHY?!]

[You know why~ All the more to talk about...]


I looked at her from a different window. She just spent almost half an hour texting and calling. Now I know why that blue side is taking over and she's all happy...

My little meal is going on a date...

Most likely with that brat everyone calls king.

She put the phone down and squealed happily as she ran to her closet and looked for something.

All of a sudden, her phone beeped with a text notification.... The number was 666...

God damn that imbicil if he wasn't already...


[You are (Y/n) right? I hope I'm not getting the wrong number...]

[UGH! You're texting me now?!]

[Well you won't pick up...]

[Get the point! I DON'T WANNA TALK!]

[*sigh* Look... There is someone who is looking for you...]

[Yeah probably you, Ya creep!]

[No no no... I'm trying to help. The guy who's looking for you is very dangerous. Has a history with girls like you....]

[Oh... well he ain't gonna get anywhere with me...]

[You don't understand miss (L/n)... I meant he... uh... 'takes them out for dinner']

[What's with the ''?]

[I meant it figuratively...]

[oh.... OH ]
[Phych! Nice try I ain't falling for that shit]
[Now stop texting me]

[I'm not shitting you.... He eats people's souls... I know him personally.]
[I don't want you to be taken by him next]

[Oh... If you know who this mystery demon is, than what are you?]

[A devil...]


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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