Chapter 4: Number 666

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'Shit shit shit!' You thought as you looked through your closet for that 'sexy dress' your best friend gave you that you never wear. 'It must be stuffed in here somewhere!'

You finally found it. It was a short black dress that cut off at mid-thigh. It was strapless with little white hearts clustering at the top and spreading out as the pattern goes down. You wore that with a pair of black flats.

The phone rang (F/S) throughout the apartment. You picked up the cell phone and answered it. "Yello~!"

You expected it to be Amelia but it was actually a man's voice on the other end. "Hey... have you been feeling like someone's been watching you today?" He asked quietly.

"Uh.. Who are y-"

"A friend. Now were you?" He interrupted. His tone changed into an angry, demanding one.

You just hung up, instantly getting a call from the same number. "Dude stop f*cking calling me!"

"If you did... make sure you stay away from a man with red or blond hair and thick black eyebrows." He continued on from the last call.

"Thanks for the tip creep." And with that you hung up a second time. You looked at the number. It wasn't your friends number but rather 666. You questioned it but quickly put it aside. "Now... on to more important things..."

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