Chapter 3: Dream boy... In your Dreams!

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[You're kidding right?! You better not be shitting me Amelia!] You texted back to your friend, Amelia Jones.

[I am not!  He's perfect for you!] She responded. You looked at your phone with shock and wondered how that man looks. He probably looked like her with big blue eyes and blonde hair. Who knows.

[Tell me his name. What's his name?!] You texted, grinning like a mad man. On Amelia's end, a smirk grew on her face.

[You'll know soon sweetie~] Was all she wrote. She was pretty happy to find a way to get her brother to shut up about you.

You layed on top of your (F/C) sheets and thought about this man. You wondered how he acts and what he did for a living. 'How is he in the "looks section?"' or, 'How good is he in bed?' You couldn't help but think. Were you falling for a guy you haven't even seen before, let alone met. It was a blind date, but played in a different way that was against you, like a game of blackjack.

If only you knew what fate would bring you.

You turned on some music, climbed out of bed, and waltzed to the kitchen. You were all giddy. You popped some bread into the toaster and got out the Nutella and peanut butter; All while feeling a strange presence, like a pair of eyes were watching your every move. You had no idea what was the reason, but you still got a knife to the ready, just in case.

The eyes weren't the usual blue eyes, but rather green ones. They didn't look at you lovingly, oh no, they watched you with hunger, like a wolf who spotted a small baby deer. He was waiting with intention. A nice meal that will taste like nothing he's tasted before. Hunger burned brightly like a green flame, burning any other thoughts other than the imagined taste of the girl's rather sinful soul.

This changes everything.

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