Chapter 2

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Third person POV.

Lucas stood there thinking why did he did that. He rubbed his palms against his face clearly frustrated by his actions.

"Hey Lucas, come back, it's raining hard." Zay shouted from bleachers. He saw everything and he get that there's a third girl now with Maya and Riley.

After class Zay and Lucas we're at Topenga's with Farkle. Charlie didn't came for her part time job saying she's feeling sick.

Lucas sat quitely in between Zay and Farkle.

"Lucas what happened?  You never been this quite." Farkle asked.

"Nothing, just thinking about Maya and Riley." He answered.

"Or Charlie?" Zay said.

"Charlie?  What about her?" Farkle asked.

"Lucas almost kissed her." Zay said.

"We didn't." Lucas said.

"Dude, you both were staring at each other for 10 minutes straight, standing close to each other like love birds." Zay said.

"Lucas, you have feelings for her?" Farkle asked.

"I don't know man, she was calling me names, I told her to stop but she didn't so I.... " He trailed.

"You did what?" Farkle asked.

"I grabbed her by waist and pulled her close. " Lucas finished. They all were sitting I  silence for a while.

"What about Maya and Riley?" Farkle asked.

"I don't know, I do care for them but as... " He trailed off again.

"Friends?" Farkle finished for him then continued,

"You care for them like friends, that explains why you let out low whistle whenever Charlie takes her hood off and when you greet her with 'hey' or 'hi' and she greets you back, you say 'hi' back to her."

"Yes man. I noticed that too." Zay said.

"So Lucas... Why do you do that?" Farkle asks.

"I think.... I am.... falling for Charlie." Lucas said.

"So you have made your decision?" Zay asked.

"I am not sure if she feels the same." Lucas answered.

"Give her time, but you should tell your decision to Maya and Riley." Farkle suggested.

"Come on Farkle, they will hate her." Lucas said.

"Maya didn't hate when you were with Riley and Riley didn't when you were with Maya." Zay said.

"They are best friends Zay, they didn't know her well yet." Lucas said.

"You didn't know her well either Lucas, none of us does." Farkle said.

"That's a point too." Zay said and again they all sat in silence for a while. Suddenly Zay stood up.

"You alright dude?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, yeah I just remembered something. I'll be right back." Zay said and left the cafe. Other two boys looked at each other confused.

At Charlie's place.

Charlie was sitting on the couch with the golden brown feather in her hand, examining it closely. She also have a book open and a pen in hand.

"I have never seen any feather of a angel, neither Castiel's. Then how this? Who's been watching me? Should I tell my brothers about it?  Or is it just random feather?  But how come it appeared out of nowhere in the bleachers, there are also no birds and it was raining. Damn it! I can't figure this out!" She thought.

Then her phone rang, it was Zay, she put the feather in her book and closed it, she answered the phone.

"What's up Zay?" She asked.

"Nothing much, we were thinking of chilling at Riley's wanna join?" He asked.

"Sure, sounds great. I'll get some burritos." Charlie said.

"Great, we'll meet there. " He said.

"Sure do." She said and hung up the phone. She took a deep breath and put the book aside, she grabbed her hoodie and apartment keys and headed out.

So long my readers. I apologize for very late update. I have been through my notification box and dang!  I felt bad that you guys like my books and I don't update em. Keeping you in suspense and mystery. So I am really sorry for that. And as for here, my final exams are closing in and COVID patients are also increasing in number so there gonna be one more scheduled lockdown here and it's just going great I guess. Like always, stay safe and healthy guys.

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