Episode 1 Chapter 1

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Charlie's POV

It was first day of my high school and yes I am a repeater so I am not as excited as other freshmen students were. I arrived at Abigail Adams high school, I am 16 and still freshmen. I put the hood up of my big hoodie and went up to my locker got my books and stuff them in my bag. Then I hear two girls very excited and almost freaked out. I closed my locker and leaned my back on it watching their fun. They weren't alone four more new freshmen were with them as well.

"This is it!" The brunette hair girl said.

"High school." The blonde one said

"We're gonna own this place." They both said together. I smiled remembering my first day of school was very same with my best friend and our group.

"You know, I am glad we're here together Isadora." A short brunette hair boy said to the Asian girl with glasses standing beside him. Guess she is Isadora.

"It gives me a feeling which I can only describe as-"

"Stuck?" Isadora cut him off

"Isadora, finding the one and only Smackle let's me know the universe has order and our existence is not just random coincidence." The boy said

"Hello random coincidence ladies." He greeted as the four girls dressed like Isadora stopped near her. Isadora hit his shoulder.

"What? I thought they were you!" He exclaims.

"Riles, em?" The blonde girl called the brunette. The brunette's name is Riley. Riles short for Riley. Well I am a good observer.

"What if we don't own this place?" The blonde girl asked.

"Maya. Life wouldn't do that. We're us. " Riley said, and the blonde one is Maya.

"Ooh honey you wish." I mumbled.

"Unless we get thrown to the side by seniors who rule the school." The tall blonde boy said and walked up to the stairs where I was standing leaning on my locker.

"That's not gonna happen." Riley says

"Until it does." The blonde boy says. The black boy and the blonde one came face to face with one of the senior boys taller than them, they both backed away and leaned beside me against the lockers. The senior looked at me.

"Hey Charles." He greeted.

"Sup Ray." I greeted him back with a smile, he turn around and left flashing a small smile at me.

"Us are in Jurassic Park." The black one said. The blonde boy looked at me followed by black one. They looked confused as I had my hood on covering my face.

"You're a senior?" The blonde one asked.

"No, freshmen." I replied.

"You sound like a girl." The black boy said.

"Because I am a girl." I said pulling my hood down of my hoodie. My long dark brown hair fell around my shoulders. The blonde boy let out a low whistle. I slightly smiled cuz boys often do that when I pull my hood down, got used to it.

"Charlie." I said holding my hand for him to shake.

"Lucas Friar." The blonde one said shaking my hand. I smiled at him and let go.

"Hi I am Zay." The black boy said waving at me.

"Hi Zay." I waved back at him.

"Get out of the way boy." A tall senior said slightly shoving Zay against the lockers.

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