Ep 3 chapter 1

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Charlie's POV

"Why are we back down here?" Maya asked standing in the hole with Riley. I sat in my usual spot on the railing reading my chem textbook. It's been few weeks now.

"Maybe, if we remember where we came from we'll appreciate how far we've come." Riley said.

"That's real deep." Maya said.

"You miss watching the shoes don'tcha?" I asked.

"So much!" Riley exclaims and comments on the shoes as girls pass by.

"Riles, it's possible that these high schoolers may not appreciate your delightful quirkiness." Maya says

"But you guys do." Riley says.

"Yes." I and Maya replies. Riley gasps at a pair of shoes.

"Love em!" Riley exclaims. Then another girl walks by.

"You're better than that Naomi." Riley says, the girl Naomi walk away in anger.

"People don't like it when you give them good advice." Riley says.

"True." I say.

"Wanna know what we're gonna do? We're gonna go to class." Maya says to Riley as they both walk upstairs.

"You're right. Academics are the number one priority in high school." Riley says standing near the other end of the railing.

"He's breaking up with me by text?" A girl shrieks out of sudden. I sighed.

"Here it starts again." I mumble.

"What? What is it?" Riley asks.

"Wait and watch." I say to her closing my book.

"Who does that?" The girl asked the previous girl.

"Who does that?" Other girls and boys repeat the same question.

"I think its possible that high school isn't only about our studies." Maya says.

"Is it just me or is everybody up here a tad on the dramatic side today?" Riley asks. Some girl cries out loudly and rushes up the hallway. Another guy begins to play jazz saxophone near me. The whole school becomes a chaos of crying and frustrated teenagers.

"Get the hell out of here dude." I said pushing the guy away who was playing saxophone rather loudly near me. I hopped down the railing.

"Somewhere safe?" Riley asks Maya.

"If you're new to this then you wanna make a run then." I say they both looked at each other and run in the girl's restroom. I stand there near the railing my hands folded and observing the chaos around me. I remember Regina Gorge from the Mean Girls movie but I didn't felt like her though cuz I didn't started the chaos. Few girls started fighting now over the break up and cheating. A apple came flying towards me I caught it with ease and saw Lucas and his friends entering the main corridor. Lucas waved to come over, the guy I pushed again started playing the saxophone near me, I shoved the apple in the mouth of the saxophone cutting the horrid noise and walked over to the boys.

"Hiya guys." I greets them.

"What's up?" Lucas asks.

"You're the first girl I saw normal today." Zay said.

"Thank you Zay, I hate being part of this drama. Anyway I don't think students gonna attend classes today." I said.

"Yes like it's Texas crossfire going on." Zay said, Riley and Maya walked out of the restroom and approach us.

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