Chapter 4

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The next day Maya told me that Riley did good in Spanish class and had conversation with teacher in Spanish. I smiled and we walked to our last class History. We arrived there early. There were only me, Maya, Lucas, Riley, Farkle, Smackle and Zay. I look my seat beside Lucas.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." I greeted back.

"Hi." He said back. I smiled back and looked away smiling. Then Mr Matthews entered the class.

"You guys are early for class." Mr Matthews said.

"I want an A from you too Matthews. I am collecting a whole set." Maya said, Mr Matthews nods

"Good for you Maya." He said then turned to Lucas.

"How was your day Lucas?" Mr Matthews asked.

"I had such a good day at tryouts, I thought the coach was gonna put me on varsity." Zay replied instead.

"I didn't even deserve to make junior varsity, the way I practiced." Lucas said.

"But he put us both on J.V team." Zay said.

"You know what I've known all along even tough I learned it just now?" Matthews says then continues

"Good teachers look down the road to see someone's possibilities. What you know now is never good for a good teacher. Because there is so much out there to learn. And sometimes you won't get it all. And sometimes it may seem like we're speaking to you in foreign language. But you know what? There are always good teachers here. I am looking forward to being one of them." He finishes.

"You have always been." Riley says.

"You know, I am glad we get to play together on the same team." Lucas says to Zay. I smile at them.

"Me too man." Zay says smiling.

"I am excited we are partaking in this intellectual endeavor together." Smackle said to me. I smile and lean towards Lucas.

"I didn't get anything she said." I whispered to him. He chuckled.

"As I am. Even tough I must admit, I am beginning to think you are my intellectual superior." Farkle says to me turning in his seat.

"I am not, we all are equal." I said.

"Awwwww" Everyone says.

"Good, then you're not as smart as I thought." Farkle says.

"Awwww" Lucas says, we all looked at him.
"I hate when that happens." He adds, I laugh at that.

After school I learned Katy offered me a job at Topanga's. I worked as a waitress there, helping Katy.

It was evening and we all sat around the coffee table our usual place and was talking, customers were not much so Katy told me to take a break as she will handle it.

"Maya there's a cute boy in the cafe." Riley said to Maya, she turn and looked at the boy.

"Well he's cuter than Lucas." Maya says. Lucas looked at them concerned.

"Who's there cuter than me now." Lucas said, we all followed Riley's gaze and looked at the counter and there stood none other then.........

"Jack!" I exclaimed in shock. Jack turn around to face me.

Lockdown work gonnna post more.

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