Part 14 - The Breakup 💔

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July 15, 2020


It's been a week since the breakup still kinda sad, but at least we finished the E.P. I was thinking of making a music video out of the song that me and Tom made. I really didn't want that song to be turned into a music video, but it's still the best song in the E.P. We had a guy who was going to be my boyfriend in the music video, his name is Tanner, we did some scenes. But every time a took a break to go to the bathroom, I was crying. The song was suppose to be happy, but it made me feel sad.

'Hey Y/N" Tanner said and I instantly wiped off my tears

"Hey Tanner" I said happily

"Are you okay?, I've been hearing you crying in the bathroom. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Sure, I didn't make this song alone, I had a boyfriend. He and I wrote this song together, and we broke up not so recently. But the Industry picked this song to be turned into a music video. I didn't want it to, but they said it's the best song in the E.P. So we made this into a music video, and I felt like crying every time i sing a part of the song"

"Y/N that sucks"

"He was suppose to be your part but we broke up so.. yeah"

"This guy seems to be a dick"

"No he's not, He's the most kindest, most amazing, and most talented person I ever knew. I miss him."

"Well Y/N you are the most nicest, person I have ever met. I feel like, he feels happy about you too. I believe that you can do this. I'll be here if you need me."

"Thanks Tanner, let's go back to the set. I think they're finding us"

"Yeah let's go"

And we finished the music video. I felt relieved when we finished the music video. Because my eyes are getting red and puffy, I just hope everything gets better.

*Time skip*

April 25, 2020

Today is the day where we post the music video and the E.P in the internet, I just hope this will be an amazing one. My fans were really excited to hear and see my new E.P.

3rd Person POV

Y/N's Song with Tom named "Forever" landed #1 on the billboard chart. Y/N's E.P also landed #5 in the best album/E.P this year. The song "Forever" also got viral in the internet. The music video got 10,000,000 views on youtube, which was a real shock. Y/N got really popular after he posted he's E.P.

Tom's POV

I was in a taxi, heading to the set, when I hear a peculiar song in the radio.

"And now we will play the new song by Y/N Y/L/N called "Forever" the Guy in the radio said

I heard the song and I felt tears form in my face, this was the song me and Y/N made, I'm so happy for him. I hope he has an amazing life. The sadness is still in my heart, but I still fought the sadness to do this movie. But I still miss Y/N so so much.


I was so happy, that me and tom's song got popular. I was so happy that I called Tom.



"Y/N, Congrats on your song, I'm so happy for you"

"Tom it's our song"

"Oh right, well I better get going i'm going to shoot my film, bye lov-" he paused "bye Y/N"

"Bye Tom"

And I cried in my bed once again. I miss Tom so much, But i have to move on. I decided to do an interview for some people.

"Hey Y/N, How are you today?" The interviewer said

"I'm good, I'm good. How are you?"

"Good too, So Y/N let's cut to the chase. Your fans rumoured, that you made this song with someone. You also said in you virtual concert you broke up with someone.
Is this Someone the same person?"

"Yes, pretty much. He was also suppose to be in the music video. But as I said we broke up."

"Y/N that's really sad, I'm so sorry. We actually saw a picture, it kinda went viral in instagram" and he showed the post of me and tom hugging

Fucking shit

"Some people suspected, that is you and Tom Holland. Hugging."

"Yes that is me and Tom hugging, he and I were in a film. It hasn't released yet. But I think they're planning to release it soon. He pretty much went to California, stayed at my place, and he left I was really sad when he left. That's why we hugged"

"Some suspect that you kissed?, is it true?"

"No it isn't, if you think that me and Tom are together. No we're not, we're just friends"

"Just asking, Now let's get into your E.P."

And we talked even more, and had lots of fun. That was super close, but at least he took it. But I know my fans are going to Investigate in this thing. I hope they won't find out. I called Tom, at about 11:00pm. I couldn't sleep, cause all I thought about was him. This happened after my breakup, but then after this didn't happened anymore. So I just decided to call Tom and fix this.

"Hey Tommy"

"Y/N, it's so early, why are you calling" he said sounding really sleepy

I forgot we had different timezones

"Tom I'm really sorry for being a dick and not talking to you. I just felt bad being with you, because you fucked the guy that I kissed."

"I'm really sorry too, I really didn't know what happened. I was super drunk. So I just wasn't myself, I promise I'll never do that again. That is If you take me back?"

"I'll take you back, unless if you fucked anyone lately?"

"No, I didn't, I've been real busy with everything that's going on"

"Me too, but at least now I'm not busy anymore. I can come to Germany Tommy. I can do all the Interviews in there. So i'll be fine"

"I love you darling"

"I love you too Tommy" I said blowing him a kiss through the screen

He got it and acted as if he was hit by an arrow

"Goodnight, wait actually good morning"

"Good morning Love"

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