Episode 7½

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A/N: You know, once I finished the episode, I realized I would probably have to wait months to see what happens so i felt like giving my own continuation untill we have an actual one:)

S P O I L E R S   O F   E P I S O D E 7 

He fell on his side as I could hear his breaths suffocating to leave his body, until the phone fell, and I could only see the sky. "Richy..." My trembling voice kept calling as I saw no movement from his side. The choking sound of his efforts to breath air had stopped as absolute silence dominated in the atmosphere. I could only see the cloudy sky. In realization, I shot up and and typed Thomas' number quickly on my wired phone, unable to leave Richy like that.

"Richy please don't go... Listen to me please!" My voice was shaking as the words leaving my mouth sounded more like "Uh it's not Richy." Thomas spoke, rather shocked. "MC is that you?" he added in wonder, nonetheless he knew the answer. "Yes, it is." I spoke as clearly as I could. "Richy is in the forest, close to the meeting spot, its bad, call an ambulance and be careful." I sounded loud in my efforts to make him understand. "Calm down and tell me what happened." Thomas tried to reason now sounding worried about my and his friend's well-being. It was obvious that something was terribly wrong. "I don't know. Ambulance at the meeting spot" I yelled between my cries that weren't successfully held back anymore. I still had the videocall on as there was no response from Richy. My phone was vibrating, notifying me for Jake's text storm. He was worried. "Alright, alright" Thomas backed off "I am hanging up now... and I am calling you right back." he spoke to calm me down. "Yes" I replied and finished the call myself.

It was like time had frozen. Yelling, crying for him to respond but there was nothing. I was not aware how long it had been as the sirens from the paramedics woke me up from the oblivion of frustration and irrational hope I had fallen into the past couple of minutes. The call ended after some moments and I shot up ready to call Thomas when the phone rang with Richy as the caller. I picked up. "It's hard to say this MC" Thomas sounded in the other side of the line, I could tell he was crying or at least wanted to. He was being as sympathetic as he could, his friend was just murder and I was the only witness and yet I witnessed nothing useful. "Are you there...?" He added in my grave silence. "I am." I spoke up "I am good don't worry." I added, I wouldn't back off from looking for his girlfriend. I was holding my breath to not break down in the phone with him. "You can't be, not after this. Look I have to let Dan, Cleo, Jessy and Lilly know... and-and inform his family too. In the meantime, take your time." Thomas advised me, his voice hoarse breaking in the reference of the mechanic's family. "Lilly could take over; we can tell the hacker" He offered "No do not talk to him" I snapped at the reminder of Jake. "Alright but I... I have to go" He sighed "Okay. Take care." I spoke up and finished the call. I couldn't listen to him or anyone. 'Jessy was marked' I reminded him. Jessy was marked just like Richy. At the thought of her ending up like Richy, I cried even more.

I was impressed by my reflexes. Dan was at the hospital and the girls would be as calm so Thomas seemed like the best choice. Tears were still streaming down my face, I looked like a ghost as my skin stood pale against my red eyes. My phone rang and the three question marks rose upon the screen. I didn't want to pick up. But how could I not? I eventually obeyed to the call but didn't talk "MC, are you there?" Jake asked. "You saw, right? You know. I saw or heard nothing" My voice came out more abrupt than I wanted. "This does not concern me right now, you do though" Jake sounded tensed, he was right to.

"I am just fine" I responded just as abrupt as before. "You are not, you do not have to lie to me. I know this was horrible. I am here though, and worried. Talk to me, or someone, if you don't want me. This is the worse you could do to yourself" Jake spoke up. Despite the voice altering program he was using even now; I could listen to the concern and fear that flooded his voice. I wanted him there. More there than just a call, therefore I wouldn't want him to risk... I wouldn't stand it if something bad happened to him. I didn't answer. "You there?" "Yes, I'm going to your sister's cloud" I breathed out. We have to find that one person who did this to Richy, me, the rest

"this... Is not what I meant" Jake replied "I removed your access from these data" the hacker announced. "Why? I want to search" I insisted the annoyance being sketched perfectly upon my tone and expression. "It just became personal Jake. Only your sister was in danger but now Richy was murdered right in front of my eyes. Jessy is potentially next, and you ask me to stand inert to a jeopardy that just keeps growing and growing." I shouted again without really realizing. "I am not going to let you in at least not until you get better. It harms you MC" Jake spoke up, his tone tensed and yet reassuring, caring. "And What do you care" I snapped louder and this time he shouted too "I care about you! I do MC. You said yourself when I asked you if there is a limit on what a one can to do to save a human life and you said there is a limit when more lives are being risked." He told me and he was growing calmer towards me. I do not know how but there wasn't a single trace of anger in his voice, he was upset with me therefore, certainly not angry. He caught me completely off guard as I stayed quiet for some seconds "Too late for that though, Richy is already gone and frankly I am not going to allow Jessy end up like that" I replied calmer this time as I was gathering the strength to tell him something he would definitely disagree with.

I had forgotten that my camera was turned on, Jake was able to see the spasms of my face and my broken expression and how my eyes were still welled up. "I will go to Duskwood for the funeral... And I will try to stay permanently, ask for a transfer to the university there as well" I announced looking serious and straight to the camera. "I will become aim and the others won't be in such danger." I spoke again my gaze frozen to the camera, I needed him to understand that I was being serious. "But you promised." Jake said, he sounded a bit hurt. "You can't go there. You will be in danger" He added in an effort to present proper arguments to change my mind. He knew it was impossible to change my mind. However, he kept trying. "I am able to protect you with only threat being my pursuers. But there, it will be an actual one, you will be on your own and your life will be at stake." He stated as hints of frustration and panic hit his voice. "Same went for Richy" I responded rather coldly. "This way we will find your sister faster." I suggested, I didn't want him to think that I forgot the reason I was summoned. "I promise, I will be careful" I tried to smile at the camera. I heard his sigh, it was shacky and sad. "I know I can't stop you..." He said his voice had shifted to sad, I could tell despite the voice change. "MC I am scared, and I care about you. I don't want you hurt." His sound broke or trembled at the end of the sentence I wasn't sure what of the two.

"I will be alright Jake. And we will be talking more" I assured him softly smiling at the camera. There were some moments of silence. "You have a really nice smile you know" He complimented me, and my smile widened without me wishing it would happen. "Thanks" I giggled hoping my heated cheeks wouldn't be red on camera. "So, you never told me... What are you studying?" He asked me softly trying to change subject and actually succeeding to do so. "Chemical engineer, heavy on engineer, junior on a polytechnic department" I answered mechanically "You are not saying it with pride. It's really hard. You don't get in if you do not deserve" He rationally wondered with sincere confusion flooding over my reaction to my study object. "I am not going to say, you will make fun of me." I sighed having a slightly grind, I liked that he was asking about me. I wanted to tell him but there was zero chance I would just tell it without playing it hard. "You know this is not true. Now tell me" He insisted softly. "Alright... I always aimed for the fine arts. And I got rejected at the college and I lost a semester trying to get a scholarship there again, but I was rejecting again and then the same the next. Thankfully I passed all subjects by third semester." I explained briefly. "Oh, so an artist and a scientist. That's rather unusual" Jake commented smoothly. "So, what's your art?" he asked, "Well I am a painter, but I have a nice voice and I play the piano too." I said and sighed "Thank you" I told him out of the blue "Why MC? I ought to thank you instead... You had to gain nothing and yet look at you here, risking your life for me, my purpose. And you don't even know me" Jake said admiringly. "I know enough Jake. And I thank you cause the massive hysteria is long gone now." I sighed and smiled "Look. I have to go now. I need you to take a nap and maybe have a tea. Tomorrow I will give you back the access of Hannah's cloud" Jake informed me gently "I promise I will." I smiled sadly as I realized this was the time, we would say goodbye. "Take care, talk soon" He concluded, and I waved my hand at the camera before allowing him to finish the call.

A/N: please suggest things and tell me your opinion down in the comments, i wanna write so bad and i do not have content to :) <3

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