Episode 7½ ch.3

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A/N:  won't be following the actual plot since I started this after episode 7. I liked the plot I made and now with all the Episode 8 information it doesn't really match what I had in mind. Anyway you will know what I mean if you played episode 8 as well.


Morning arrived I didn't even realized what time it was or when I fell asleep after my encounter with Phil.

"Good morning" I texted Jake. I just needed to talk to him, funerals were not the best of things. I still had Richy's picture in my head, falling, his eyes wide open staring at the camera and trying to speak to me before the red water fall left his mouth.

"Good morning, how are you?" Jake texted slapping me off my thoughts.

"As good as I can be" I replied almost immediately. My reflexes went mad every time the Guy Fawkes mask pops on my notifications. I had to reply for him even if it was just for something concerning the investigation.

"Its just a day, and I will be here. You can text me if you want. How was your first night at Duskwood." He asked. The fact that he showed his care for me so genuinely much was making me melt even now with Richy's grief he could make me smile.

"It was nice I guess. I had a 'pleasant' encounter with Jessy's brother but other than that. Good" I texted

"Philip. Are you okay?" Jake texted the quick pace of our texts broke as he took some time to reply.

"I am he didn't do anything that bad." I texted.

"Which means?" Jake texted.

"That I smacked the bottle of whine on his head" I replied as Jessy walked out of her room. She was dressed in black and tugged her crimson hair in a low pony tail. "I have to go. See you later Jake. <3" I texted


"How are you honey?" I asked turning at her, I was still wearing my pajamas and laying on her couch.

"I am well... don't mind me each early. I just wanted to go early..." Jessy replied while I crossed the room and hugged her kind of tightly. She responded kind of tightly. "I am glad you stayed I had fun last night... we drank ate." She chuckled slightly

"We can do it again tonight that I won't be so tired." I smiled reassuringly "Go and I will come too later" I spoke and rubbed her back watching her leave the apartment.

"Ah... and again the two of us..." I heard a familiar voice and shuddered slightly at what I witness as I slowly turned around to face Phil. He was naked only wearing his boxers. I scanned him from head to toe, my expression was not what he expected. I mean his body was not bad. Not at all actually as I could see he had a well-built body with symmetrically shaped abs under his chest.

"Don't act like you do not like what you see" Phil spoke and approached me and I took a step back. He took my hand in his and kissed it deeply as he pulled my closer out of the blue causing me to gasp. He leaned in my neck biting me immediately as I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him off kind of abruptly.

"I have- I have to go—uh any where but here" I spoke and he laughed slightly shaking his head as I got my phone and a pair of clothes and walked out of the apartment with shoes in hand. I called Dan immediately but he was obviously asleep still. I knew that Cleo would already be at the church with Jess so Thomas was my only choice.

"Hello? M/C?" He greeted sleepily.

"Yea- Yea its me... Sorry to bother you so early—uh can you navigate me or preferably come and pick me up?" I spoke choking on my words. I was in the middle of the road on my pajamas.

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