Part 10

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"I honestly can't believe them sometimes," you shook your head recalling your day's work to Law.

He had picked you up afterwork as usual. Taking the longer scenic route home, he allowed you all the time that you wished to tell him about your day. A moment to decompress from his own hectic day, he hung onto every word even if he appeared not to.

Between the shaking of his head to your rowdy customers, you could find a crack in a potential smile. Almost appearing, he was able to quickly suppress it before you could tease him about it.

Not feeding into him, you could only chuckle once more as you reached for the front door. Excited to finally sit down and relax a bit before bed, you missed the unfamiliar sounds coming from inside.

"Wait," Law abruptly stopped you, jumping forward with urgency.

Dropping his hand upon yours, he stoped you from opening the door. Slipping himself in front of you, he instinctively tucked you behind the cover of his body.

"L-Law, w-what's wrong?" Nervously swallowing, you whispered to question his defensive stance. Unsure of what he could be hearing, you were placed in high alert.

Keeping a protective hand upon your waist making sure you were close to him, he didn't give a response.

His silence worrying you, you clenched a handful of his clothes; the cotton fibers soon to split as you began to sheepishly shake.

Carefully pushing the door open, he stared into the darkness searching for the moment that he had felt before. Turning on the lights, he searched around the empty room before calling out. "Show yourself," he yelled, almost challenging the one who dared to enter his home.

Silence continued before steps coming from the kitchen became louder clinking on the tile until the intruding figure appeared.

Drying his hands against a dish towel, his eyes began to light expecting a particular body to be before him. "[Name]—" The man's bubbly voice quickly died down as he was met with Law's dirty scowl instead.

"Black leg-ya," Law monotony spoke, relaxing his sharp defense to seeing the familiar blond haired man and not some unknown intruder.

That voice was more than familiar, not needing Law to name him by his moniker. It was comforting and a little taste of home. Yet, you couldn't fully believe it without seeing him for yourself.

"Sanji?" Slowly peeking out from the cover of Law, you cautiously looked over making sure that it was him.

Needing just a glimpse, your grasp of Law quickly dropped. Trying to dash over to the blond, Law's grasp appeared to grow tighter on you unwilling to let you out of his safety just yet.

Wiggling out of Law's increasing hold, you rushed towards Sanji jumping into his open and welcoming arms. Excitingly calling out the blond's name, he caught you mid-air without missing a beat.

Spinning you around a few times, a mixture of laughter filled the room. Coming down from a few swings, you beamed brightly at the man ignoring his breaking and entering.

"What are you doing here?! I thought you were busy?" You tried to catch your breath as he carefully set you back down.

"I would sail the roughest seas for you [Name]-swan," he began to lovingly swoon before you nudged him back to reality.

"I got a few days off from Pops," Sanji replied in a more serious tone. "So I wanted to surprise you," he laid a gentle hand upon your head helping to fix your strewn hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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