Part 7

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"Forty-seven years? Wow, that's amazing." You buzzed to the older woman seated upon the counter. Proudly showing off the images of her rather large family, you noted as she particularly beamed at the ones of her husband.

With a look of love still evident in her eyes, you simply needed to ask, "What's your secret?" You opened a playful line half hoping to receive helpful advice for the future.

She chuckled, obviously haven received the same question more than a handful of times over the years. "Patience and even more patience," she strained; a ready answer loaded for how her marriage had managed for so long.

You laughed along to her response before she laid a caring hand upon yours.

"I have a grandson that would just love you," kindness beamed on her face as she pitched an idea. With genuine consideration, she patted a few times upon your left unwedded hand.


Before you could answer, you froze completely where you stood; the flowing presence behind you sending a chill up your spine as he personally leaned in close.

"I have to go, I'll see you later," Law spoke, interrupting the on-going conversation with his soft bit. Besides your ear, his coffee stained breath flooded your senses as the stubble upon his chin brushed gently against your ear to the gradual movement of his lips.

Laying a hand upon your shoulder, he gave a light squeeze keeping your attention on him for a moment longer. Setting down his empty coffee cup besides your held hand, he tapped it rather loudly upon the counter.

Left speechless, you watched him leave without receiving a response. His hands tucked into his coat's pockets as his breath showed before him. A flowing white mist, he carried along as he made his way back towards work.

"My apologies, I should have known that you had someone already," she gave your hand one final pat before releasing with a grin. "I have to admit, I had a liking for bad boys back in my day as well."

You initially stuttered, struggling to reject the idea of something more intimate occurring between you and Law. Unable to do so, you simply held silent thanking her for her overpowering well wishes towards a long and healthy relationship.

Reaching for the nearest item to distract yourself with, you twiddled nervously with the first thing within your grasp; his disposable cup left behind becoming the perfect thing to hold.

A similar smile you simultaneously offered before she took her leave.

Releasing a long-held breath, you looked down at the paper cup unbeknownst to when you began to pick at it. A few pieces torn from the rolled brim extended down into long jagged rips releasing the last few clinging droplets onto your skin. Growing sticky on your hands, you raised a brow at the strange black marker bleeding upon your skin.

Flipping over the cup, you found the marked source. A bit streaky from your touch, it was an extension of his scratchy hand writing leaving a pointed message.

'Wait for me after work.'

Looking down at your phone, you took note of the ticking hour. Half an hour after closing, you wondered if he'd show after all. No response or sign of him, maybe it was best to simply wait for him at home.

Locking up for the night, you double checked turning the front door to make sure --all secure. Juggling a number in your hands, you tried to stuff your phone into your pocket careful not to drop a thing.

Mumbling some curses as you struggled to balance all at once, the final thing that you wished for was for your phone to fall. A cracked screen or an all together broken device, either was a pain to be avoided.

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