Part 6

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What time exactly you fell asleep, you couldn't remember. Despite it being a fairly early hour the night before, your heavy eyelids simply refused to open to welcome the morning just yet.

Fighting against yourself to wake up, you groaned as you tossed over in the plush area. Kicking off he blanket barely holding on, something simply didn't feel right. The comfortable bed beneath you and blankets surrounding, maybe your hazy memories weren't simply a long dream after all.

Hesitating, you cautiously opened an eye holding a breath from what could possibly laid be before you.

A built-up image of his thin features sleepily facing you, they ultimately morphed into a furry mug. Slowly waking up from your movement, the small pup deeply yawned. Mouth wide open, he leaned in close to you.

You quickly jerked back, repulsed from the foul scent. "Ew, Bepo!" Your nose scrunched as you moved away searching for cleaner air.

As if he understood and took offense, his rounded ears dipped low. An apologetic whimper he sniffled out before rumbling from down the hallway perked his mood.

Rushing out to investigate, you slowly sat up enough to watch him leave. His nails clinking upon the hard wood flooring rang as he rushed over to the source. A scream erupting from a caught Corazon, you shook your head to the early morning commotion.

Looking around the filling room, careful high stacks of Law's books standing tall, you knew where you were. The spare bedroom that he was slowly converting into his office and storage unit, he unknowingly dropped you into in his darkened sleep filled haste.

"It wasn't a dream..." you mumbled to yourself before the pain throughout your body turned your attention. Increasing the longer that you remained awake, the particular pulsation on your arm became quickly uncomfortable. A large shinning bruise surely to appear, you'd need to take your complaints up with Law another time.

"Law..." with bits of last night returning, you tossed back into a groan. Hiding amongst the sheets and pilled pillows, maybe wallowing for enough time would take it all back.

A moment of hiding, you carefully peeked up from the cover looking up at the empty space besides you. Once occupied by Law, your hand traveled from brushing against the cold sheets and up into your hair. The unbrushed fray leading into separate locations bubbled a new feeling. Uncomfortable worry, it was the first time that you wished he hadn't seen you in the disheveled morning.

Carefully tip-toeing around the created piles, you stepped up to the circular hanging mirror. Tugging on the tight knots and flattening down fly-aways, you gave a deep sigh as your attempts were all for nothing. Bouncing back around you, you continued to look with disappointment. Leaning in closer for a clearer look, you startled as shattering glass from down the hall rang.

"Hey, why are you so cheerful this morning?"

Slumping into work minutes after you were scheduled, it was a miracle that you made it in at all. Readying yourself while having to clean up the mess that both Corazon and Bepo blamed on one another, it took all the strength in the world not to give up and return to bed.

You looked up to the teasing woman sharply piercing her with one swift motion. The darkened bags beneath your eyes, rivaling Law's, told more that your words could about your eventful morning.

As she laid off her teasing, for now, you tried to take your mind off from everything. Running the coffee machines and stacking the clean ceramic mugs, a sequence pinging interrupted turning your loose attention to the heart racing name appearing.

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