Keto: *what to do now? He's incredibly strong. He knows the attacks of his Korien better than me, and more than me. Uh... So now...*
Cobra: keep your eyes on the battle blockhead, what are you waiting for?
Keto: uhh... just wait. *Which attack will be better to use?* Walrus, headbutt on its body!!
Walrus comes to King Cobra who protect itself from the battle.
Keto: oh no!!
Keto looks at Cobra who was staring walrus.
Keto: huh? Why are you staring at my Walrus?
Cobra glares at Keto then looks at the battle.
Cobra: King Cobra, constrictor wrap!!!
King Cobra wraps walrus very tightly.
Cobra: now wrap it to death.
Keto: huh? Walrus diamond!!!
Walrus attacks King Cobra with it's diamond but gets little hurt.
Cobra: King Cobra, now....
Cobra looks at Walrus who had got weak. Cobra smiles.
Cobra: I was just waiting for this time.
Keto: for what?
Cobra: look at it.
Keto looks at his walrus and sees the same thing in it.
Keto: he got weak!!
Cobra: venom started effecting on your Korien. But it took to long to effect.
Keto: *oh no! Walrus, what can you do now? I think I got trapped in King Cobra's trap. I think it wrapped me, and... It's in its position to attack....
Keto looks at Cobra.
Keto: I can see my lose in his eyes...*
Cobra: will your Korien attack or it just wants to get swallowed by King Cobra without trying to win?
Keto: it will attack. *And now I can see my lose in his eyes but he won't be able to see me losing.* Walrus, smash it under your tail!
Cobra: wind speed!
King Cobra tries to flew off the attack but it goes fail for it's tail which goes under walrus's tail.
Cobra: huh? Walrus survived the venom? How's it possible? Did it got more strength?
Keto: huh? Is it real? Walrus, headbutt!!
Cobra: toxic pearl!
Keto: diamond!!
Both attacks come together then they finish up with a blast producing smoke.
Benjamin: I think I am resting in a chimney.
Benjamin covers his mouth.
Benjamin: no....
Keto: *what has happened on the battleground? Who won?*
The smoke clears perfectly there both Koriens on the battleground.
Keto: huh? The battle's still going??
Cobra: *both Koriens are here? I have to finish this up*
Koriens return to their Korazus.
Korazu-Shedget Spinner
AdventureREAD AND MAINLY, PLEASE COMMENT!!!! A 9 year old kid named Keto was living in a small village with his Mother. He gets a Spinner from someone for doing something good. He than sees a terrible scene that happens after spinning the spinner hard. After...