Korazu Shedget Spinner EP 56- The Face Of The Slosh House!!

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Today morning 6:15.

Tyson picks his bag up which was on the couch.

Tyson: okay, I'm ready.

Dyra: let's move now.

They take a step ahead, Cobra sees them.

Cobra: where are you guys going?

Dyra: we had planned Boss, that after the tournament we will get back home. But the tournament has cancelled so we are going.

Cobra: what!?! (Angry) Wait here.

Tyson: we can't boss. My father will be going to another country so my mother needs me to look after the shop too.

Cobra: huh?

Tyson goes.

Talc: my bulls and cows are too close to me, boss. They only need me to feed them hay or they will die by hunger.

Cobra: can't they eat by themselves!?! You have just made them crawl near your heart, one day they will kick your nose.

Talc: boss I love animals, cattles... Bye boss!!

Talc runs away. Cobra goes to Dyra who was already scared.

Cobra: what's your stupid, fake reason, Dyra?

Dyra: (scared) uhh... Boss... I...

Cobra: what? Seeds are sown but they need to hear your sweet voice?

Dyra: (scared) uhh.. no Boss.. seeds aren't sown still. I want to sow them too. Bye boss!

Dyra runs away too.

Cobra: gr, these large piglets.... Just keep on lying to everyone.... They are gone....

Nick: but I'm still here, Cobra.

Cobra: huh? I don't need you.

Nick: huh? Why not me? Why only those guys?

Cobra: they have powers, brains and everything that's absent in a stupid, pitbull like you.

Nick: huh? (Angry) What!?! Just come here!

Cobra opens the door.

Cobra: (strict) no, I'm busy right now.

Nick: hey!!

Cobra goes out and closes the door.

Nick: hey!! I had said "Stop"!!! Hear me!!! Wait you stupid brainless bull!!

Cobra: (from outside) King Cobra.

Nick: huh?

                  Finish Flashback

While walking.

Keto: I was just thinking that how Cobra knew that we were going to call him?

Cobra looks at them.

Husky: ah yes, Cobra, you had done all bad to us for your good, but now we are a team. Don't worry, yesterday we have forgiven you and forgotten all about the last days.

Cobra: good good, you all did a great job forgiving me, or I would had died asking for forgiveness.

Husky: humph!

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