Chapter 8

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A/N so I'm gonna try and not do such a short chapter.


I thought a lot about what Connor said last night. About how he doesn't hate me, he just teases me because his friends don't like me.

I came to a horrid conclusion.

He values his reputation at this school more than me.

If he were to stick up for me, he'd lose his friends and wouldn't be as popular.

It hurts to think about it so negatively but that's exactly what he's doing, and yeah, it kinda hurts.

It would have been much better if he really did hate me instead of him picking on me because he's too embaressed to be seen with me.

Today would be tough knowing that he will still harass me even though he doesn't mean it.

But another part of me kinda believes he's using me for his his final grade. He's never talked to me before he learned I was so good at science.

I pull my long brown hair into a ponytail and head to school.

I don't bother to talk much today. I wasn't mad at Andrea, Jenn and Bethany anymore, but they still assume I am so they don't bother talking to me.

Apparently I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into a person, falling and making the persons papers fly.

"Watch where you're going loser."

I know that voice, I wish I hadn't, but I did.

Tears threaten to reach my eyes but I keep them in. "Well aren't you going to pick up my papers?" Connor said in a harsh voice.

The guys all laughed as I pick up the papers, one by one. "Well hey at least your useful for something."

I glare at him with my glossy eyes, I shove his papers to his chest and run to class before the bell rang.

Why is it so hard? He seems to not feel bad at all when he says these things.

Every girl has gone through bullying some point in there lives, but this isn't just bullying.

It's heartbreak.

I struggle to go through the day, avoiding the guys the best I can. But the time has come for chemistry.

Adilae and Bruce are both back, but our science teacher said that me and Connor should be partners since we "Work so well together."

I don't try and involve Connor at all as I do our "group" homework.

He just stares at the paper that I'm writing all by myself, "How are you so good at this?"

I don't answer, I just keep writing.

"I'm sorry."

I don't bother to reply again.

"Audrey.. I'm-"

"No you're not. Just stop talking to me before one of your friends see."

He stopped. That seemed to of shut him up.

Isn't this the part in the movies where the boy goes "I don't care if they see, I love you and I want the whole world to know." Then kisses the girl?

Nope. This is the part in reality where the guy realizes your right, and stops talking.

The school day was finally over and I decided to take the long way home.

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