Chapter 1

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Warnings: Injury, strong language and blood (and grammar mistakes of course)

Will's Pov.

"Since we all can remember there were the nine Origins: The Enderains, Phantoms, Elytrian', Blazeborns, Avians, Arachnids, Shulks, Felines and the Merlings. We know that they lived mostly together even if they had their differences. So you can imagine how confusing it was for the others when Merlings seemed to disappear. They searched for so long but sadly not succesfully, it almost felt like the Merlings faked their own death. From then on, now only eight Origins lived on with their lifes, but the memory of the kind hearted, fishlike creatures still remained in their mind. But the real question is where did they go and why, but all this is hard to answer because we dont even know if they died or just simply left, so we may never know what really happend. All we can do is just speculate." Will finished reading as he looked up from the book to meet the gaze of his two other sibling's. "So what do you think ?" he asked excitedly, waiting impatiently for their answers. "Well i think its absolute bullshit" Tommy replied with typical rudness in his voice as he rolled his eyes at his oldest brother. "Tommy!" Tubbo punched his arm ligthly "Thats just rude". "But im telling the truth here" Tommy defended himself and closed his eyes in annoyed manner "He has to learn that this is just a fairytale for kids to fall asleep better" he scoffed. "That's exactly what most people think, but if someone have seen them then it cant be a fairytale" The young prince said while closing his eye and raising his finger. "Besides every Origin has some major mutations so why is it impossible for them to exist when according to this book they were just like humans with fish tail and gills". "Even if they existed they are gone now so just try to accept it." The middle aged boy said surprisingly wisely. Wil turned his gaze to his youngest brother "What do you think Tubbo?". "I-i have to agree with Tommy here" Tubbo started nervously, being afraid of hurting his brother's feelings "What happend, happend. And also if they really faked their death, then they want to be left alone right? So i think it's for the best to let it go". Will just simply nodded, understanding that his brothers had no interest in helping him to find out what happend back then. "Im going to my room" Tommy announced as he stood up and walked to the door that led to his and Tubbo's room. "Wait for me!" Tubbo shouted as he bounced on his feet and ran after Tommy to their room. The oldest prince sighed, standing up aswell and walking to the exit of their common room so he can go outside to get some fresh air. He walked out of the room and was met with Ranboo guarding the entrance as always. "Good afternoon" Will greeted the royal guard. "Greetings to you too prince Wilbur" Ranboo bowed his head as Will walked past him to the gate. He made his way past the gate and to cliff side. As he carefully walked he was looking down the small cliff and humming a tune. It wasnt very high but if he fell he would surely get hurt. But somehow even if the prince knew the risk of falling, he loved this place. He loved how the cliff slowly got smaller until it turned into normal sandy beach. He also enjoyed the sound of the gentle waves hiting the rocks. As he was deeply lost in his thoughts, his foot slipped. He couldnt get his balance in time and in a splid second he was falling down right into the arms of the sea itself. His body sunk under the water, his head landing on a hard rock which made him lose his consciousness.

??? Pov.

A small figure was swimming around the deep end of the sea when she heard footsteps on the shore. She swam up closer to the surface to have a little look. She looked up and saw a young boy walking and humming somehow a familiar tune. She had no idea how she knew this tune but there she was trying not to hum along. But the peaceful humming stopped, being replaced by panicked gasp and then loud splash of water. Her first instinct was to hide so she swam away from the noice. As she hid behind some boulder, pushing her back against it but the feeling of guilt was killing the poor girl. "Come on Nihachu, you are smarter then this" She tried convincing herself but to no avail. Her body moved by itself, swimming up to the poor boy in trouble. She grabbed him by his shoulders and navigaded his body to the sandy beach. When she forced him out of the salty water she took a deep breath and pushed herself on the sand next to him. Her tail almost immediately turned into land legs so she could help the boy get rid of the water in his lungs. She started checking if there werent any injuries, but to her dismay there was bloody wound on the side of his forehead. Her oxygen was starting to run out so she quickly sank her head back to the sea, taking a deep breath once again, grabing a piece of kelp before turning to his body again.She covered the wound with the kelp to try stop the bleeding and placed her ear gently on his chest to check if he was breathing. Luckly he was but it was weak and fregile. So she started to compress on his chest, trying desperately to get the water out. After some time trying the boy opened his eyes and immediately started coughing out the salty water. This scared the small female but she refused to leave until she was sure he would be alright.

Will's Pov.

Will opened his eyes quickly and started coughing. "How am i alive?" That was the question that was repeating in his head, again and again. He rolled on his back once again and was met with blue and little bit purple female eyes. The eyes were bluer then the ocean itself, they were simply breath taking. Will never saw any eyes that would be this bright and vibrant. "Who are you?" he managed to say but instead of getting an answer he starteld the girl. Her eyes widening, she started to retreat. "No please dont go!" Will said desperately, trying to get up to stop the girl from running away but he was stopped by a horrible headache. He grabbed his head in pain. He looked up just in time to see a Merling's tail disapear in waves. He gasped at the sight before his eyes. He just saw a female Merling with his own eyes. Shocked, he glared down, just to be amazed once again. There laid a yellow scale. He held a gasp and took the small scale gently with his hands. It was so small in his palm but beautiful nonetheless. It looked like a pebble, bright as the sun and brighter then all the flowers in the royal garden. Will was sure that even a professional gardener could never grow a flower with such beautiful shade of yellow. He rubbed a finger across the surface. It was soft and still little wet on touch. "Prince Wilbur!" His name was heard behind him, he jumepd. Will quickly clenched the scale in his fist as gently as possible. "Prince Wilbur! The whole kingdom is looking for you!" One of royal guards run up to him and helped him on his feet. "I fell of a cliff" Will said, hiding his fist behind his back as he lets the guard help him stand. "Oh dear! Lets get you to the healer" The man spoke and led the prince back to the castle. As they were walking, Will just couldn't let the eyes of the Merling out of his head, they were just mesmerizing. The two arrived and went straight to the healer. "What happend again?" Healer asked as she was examining the wound. "My foot slipped and i fell down the cliff" The young prince explained once again "Well im glad that you remained calm" The healer praised him as she was bandaging the wound". "And the kelp bandage was pretty smart too" Will simply smiled at the remarks. "Anyway im okay, right? So i should get going before my father losses his mind" He said jokingly and stood up. "Yep. You are ready to go" she giggled and waved the prince goodbye. Will ran to meet his father in the throne room so he could apologize for his disappearance. "Im so sorry dadza" The prince shouted as he opend the masive door leading to the room. "Will! Oh, i was so worried!" The king came up to his son and captured him in a tight hug. "Im sorry for making you worried" Will said but his words were muffeld by the hug. "You are gonna be the death of me" His dad let go of him so he could ruffle his son's hair. They both laughed, the father and son had a beautiful and blooming relationship with each other. "Now go to your room, you problematic child" The king ordered jokingly "Yes, yes, im going" Will laughed and went to his room. "Will !" The two brothers shouted when they saw Wilbur come in. "Hey-" He couldnt even finish his sentance because of his brothers squeezing him to death. "Where have you been you dumbass?!" Tommy yelled at him and pushed him playfully. "I fell" The oldest prince just chuckled. "Anyway i need to go to the library. Wanna come with?"

Thank you for reading and feel free to tell me if there are any mistakes.
Bye uwu

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