Chapter 3

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Warning: Strong language, injury

Nihachu's Pov.

As the sun was rising, the ocean was taking it's color, making a clear sign that a new day was starting. All those colors woke up the female Merling. She rubbed her eyes before opening them. Sitting up, she yawned and stretched her arms. She was about to start her day but one thing was still in her mind. What is she going to do now ? After what happened yesterday, it was no longer safe here. It wasn't the first time someone saw her but this was differend. This place had everything she needed, food, nice place to live in and much people didn't come near this beach, well until now. It was the nicest place she had ever found. So she really didn't want to leave. The big risk however, was that the phantom who saw her, could be a hunter. And if he was, he would surely hunt her down. But even with all those circumstances, she hoped, deep down inside,  that he wasn't a threat to her. Since she got exiled, Nihachu has been all alone. Her life was simply sad and lonley but she still hoped that one day she could find someone who wouldn't care about who she was or where she came from, loving her for who she truly was. But it was just a stupid dream. Nihachu sadly knew that as a Merling, other Origins would just use her and defenetly not love her. And because she was exiled there was no way she would get herself a Merling mate, which left her with only one option, being that she would have to be a mate with other Origin. And that was just so unlikely, it was even impossible for that to happen. It was sad. All the purpose Merlings have in life is to find a mate and then raise an offspring. But with minimal chances for the poor girl acually finding a mate, her purpose was just to survive. She was just like a dear, being hunted for it's antlers, having no other use to the society then to be a prey for others to kill. The female Merling felt like she didn't have a purpose. But what could she do to have a use again ? The answer was nothing. Nihachu was doomed to be forever alone. "Maybe this time it will be differend" She said out loud. Nihachu looked up at the ceiling of her cave and sighed "There's really nothing to lose anymore". "Maybe, just maybe i don't have to be alone anymore".

Will's Pov.

The ocean. That was all he heard and saw. He was standing on a very familiar beach, watching the waves crash into each other. "Will !" welp, until now. His world was starting to disappear, meaning that he was waking up. "Will get your dumb ass out of the bed" Tommy yelled at his brother. "We have been trying to get you out of bed for like a 30 minutes" Tubbo said "Dadza is waiting for you at the gate. He wants you to greet the Anemis family with him". When Will heard that he got up and started getting dressed "Alright, thank you for waking me up" The phantom said as he run to the bathroom. When he was done with everything he sprinted to the gate. His dad was already standing there, waiting for the family to arrive. "First you fall of a cliff and now you can't wake up in time ? What else are you gonna do this week" King Philza said in a serious tone but it was clear that he was joking. "Probably die" Will simply answered, trying not to laugh. Phil chuckled quietly at his son, but it was cut short as the gate started to open. And there they were, standing proudly and looking at them. It was the family from Anemis kingdom. The king was an Enderian. He was tall and lanky but strong nonetheless. His limbs were quite muscular for an Enderian, it was strange for them. Normal ones like Ranboo had long arms too but they were really weak, so it was weird to acually see one so strong looking. He is known for starting a lot of wars and winning most of them. So most of the other kingdoms were crouching in fear when he was around. His wife and the queen of the kingdom was a blazeborn. She was harsh and proud. The blaze rods around her would light on fire whenever she was upset with someone. It was basically unpleasant to be around her. And there was their's daughter, Lilith. Lilith was a shulk, which was shocking. She was rude, mean and inconsiderate which is really uncommon for shulks. They were normaly kind, calm and collected but she was nowhere near that. She was a perfect example, that not all shulks are the same, but he would be much happier if she wasn't. "Greetings" His dad said, making him snap out of his thoughts. "Howdy" Will mumbled so he wasn't rude. "Greetings to you as well" The rulers of the Anemis kingdom replied. Lilith stepped forward and waved at him "Hey Will". "Greetings Lilith" Will said formally, trying to be polite. "No need to be so formal infront of us" The gueen laughed but after that immediately looked back at his father.  "By the way we are glad that you are willing to takes for awhile again". "Of course" King phil said "now let's go. I have to show you what have changed". The king and queen just nodded and followed his father to the castle. He let them walk by him and then followed as well. As they were talking Lilith was getting too close to him for his liking again. Lilith has a big crush on Will, well most likely on his crown. She told him that multiple times now, but he always declined. He had no intrerest in her, in anyone honestly. Will belived in soulmates and he haven't met anyone who would made him feel something special. But he was sure that his soulmate definitely wasn't Lilith. When they arrived to a door to the boys room and stopped. "Will you can stay here. I'm sure you know your own kingdom already" Phil said leading the rulers away. Lilith was already forcing her way to the door when her parents stopped her. "Come with us darling. It's important to know this place well". With a groan she walked away with them. "That was close" Will sighed in relief and went inside. "Is she gone ?" Tubbo's head peeked out of his hiding spot. "Yeah, she went with our dad to see our kingdom" Will sighed and sat down on one of the couches. "Thank god" Tommy jointed in and sat down as well "I hate that women". "We all do" Tubbo added. Lilith wasn't someone the brothers adored, quite the opposite actually. Her bad attitude annoyed the boys. She always pushed Tommy and Tubbo away to be alone with Will, and he wasn't really fan of that. He felt like his brothers had every right to be in their room with them, but Lilith didn't ask for his opinion. But Tommy was bothered by her the most. First of all he hated woman and second of all he usually called any girl that Will was talking with his girlfriend. But not for Lilith. He understood completely that Will was uncomfortable, so he didn't. And he hated her so much for that. "I think i need some fresh air" The oldest prince annouced and gazed at his younger brothers "Will you cover me ?". Tubbo just sighed and agreed "Sure, i get it. But don't be out for too long". The phantom just nodded and walked to their shared window. He got out and turned invisble. Being a phantom he could do that, and it was the best way to sneak around. Phantoms in their invisble forms appeared like moving shadows, so no one could guess if it was him or another phantom. He jumped from the window into some bushes and made his way in the royal garden. There he gathered some of the most beautiful flowers he could find, and made sure they were yellow. When he was done he put them in his bag and went straight to the cliffside.

There he was. At the very familiar beach. The sun was shining, the waves were dancing and the birds singing. The colors of the sea were complementing the sand. It was a beautiful day. Will sat down on the silver sand and took a deep breath. "Hey" His word were followed by silence. "Ehm. My name is Wilbur, Will for short. I know you're here so you don't have to hide from me, i have no intentions to harm you" he started while fiddiling with his fingers. "I'm no hunter. Please come out" Will started to lose hope and was slowly gettin back on his feet. Just when he was about to leave a small splash was heard from behind him. Will turned around slowly so he didn't scare the thing that made the sound. When he did he was met with two blue eyes looking at him. It was the female Merling. Her head was sticking out of the water and was hesitantly looking at him. The prince sat down again, which startled the girl. "Oh sorry, i didn't mean to scare you" he apologized immediately. She calmed down a little but there still was visible fear in her blue orbs. "I'm not going to hurt you, i promise" He said reassuringly. The female blinked at him and little bit of trust was showen in her eyes. "I'm here to thank you for saving me yestersay. I really appreciate it" he continue with more confidence. With that said, she peeked her head more out of the water. A small gentle smile appeared on her soft looking lips. Her ears were rather pointy, pointier than his own.  Her hair were black with two blond stripes on the sides of her face. Will was stunned by her beauty and moved little closer. The girl flinched at his sudden movement and he apologized again.  "Wow. i can't belive it ,you are acually real !" The prince  said, amazed. She let out a quiet giggle and her eyes sparked with trust. "Oh, before i forget" Will spoke while getting his bag. He took out the bundle of flowers and handed them to the Merling. "Here. I got these for you to show how thankful i am". She gazed at him hesitantly but after a while swam closer to him.  Now her shoulders were showing and on them you could see a part of her gills. Will thought that her gills would be on her neck but they were on her upper arms. He slowly gave them to her so he didn't frighten her. She took them in her delicate hands, examining them. When she was done, she gave him the brightest smile Will have ever seen. The girl gently stroked the petals, while smiling. "Sorry by the way. I must have made you a lot of trouble" Will laughed while slightly blushing. The Merling gazed at him again, her eyes telling him that it's okay. He wasn't surprised that she didn't talk, after all they just met ans she seemes shy. While she was holding the flowers, Will noticed that there was a cut on her left hand. He moved closer, only for the female to retreat. "No don't be scared ! I just saw a cut on your hand, so i wanted to take a  look" Will tried to calm her down with gentle voice. Understanding, she got closer to him, now showing a half of her gills. With her closer, he took a better look. The wound was swollen and probably infected. "Can you give me your hand ? Please ?" He asked, reaching out slowly. She glared at him before nodding and giving him her hand. He trid to take it but she pulled away. Wilbur looked at her gently to reassure her that he wouldn't hurt her. After that she let Will take her hand. Her hand was soft and pale. While he was examining it, he rubbed her knuckles with his finger to calm her down. Yep, the wound was definitely infected. It looked like she cut herself on some rock or something sharp. "I'm afraid that it's infected. But other then that it's fine" Will explained and continued to rub her hand. "I can come tomorrow and patch you up. But only if you're okay with it". She gave him thankful smile and nodded. "Aright then" He let go of her hand. "I should go. But i promise i will be back tomorrow" He was about to leave when another splash. He truned around and saw the Merling signing "When you come back let me know you're there". Will smiled, understanding her. Will as the prince of Aquanis kingdom kne sign language. Some Origins didn't like to talk so they signed instead. "Of course i will" Will agreed while smiling. She simply nodded and waved at him goodbye. Wilbur waved back and went back where he came from . He understood why the Merling didn't tell him her name. He would have to prove himself worthy to know her name. And maybe him helping her out might do the trick.

Hello my sweet people !
I know i haven't been updating for really long time but i had to study for important exam. I'm kinda disappointed at myself for not writting anything but hey i'm back on my feet and i'm ready to catch up.
And i just want thank you over 300 reads and 11 votes. All of you are truly awsome for reading and voting this mess of a book.:D
Feel free to tell me if there are some mistakes.
Once again thank you all and see ya soon. UwU

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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