Chapter 2

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Will's Pov.

"Thats all! You just frickin' disappeared and all you gonna say is that you need to go to the library. Jesus mate". Tubbo puffed up his chest as his arm plates moved away from him in irritation. The shulk was normally calm but when it came to his brothers getting hurt he dropped all his kindness and turned himself into furious beast. So it was expected that he would not be pleased with Will's disappearance. "Calm down, im fine, i just need to go there before i forget about it, its not a big deal" Will raised his hands in defence from his angry brother. " Yeah chill out big man. Besides the real concern is that he will probably fall down some stairs on his way there". Tommy laughed as he placed his hand on Tubbo's shoulder. "Thats also true" Tubbo chuckled as he eased up a bit. "So can i go?" Will asked, his legs were truning more gray and ghost like as he was growing impatient. "If you dont turn into a ghost because you cant wait for us to finish our lecturing, then yes" The youngest boy spoke as he closed his eyes "But we are going with you". "Alright, alright" The phantom laughed and let his two brothers past him to the door out. He was about to follow them but her remembered the scale in his fist."Go ahead i will catch up with you, i just need to do something". "Yeah, yeah just dont take too long" Rude voice was heard from behind the door and Will turned around and went to his room. As he walked in he walked over to his corner and put the small scale in one of his drawers very gently. When he was done he sprinted out to meet his siblings in the hall. "Lets go" Will smiled as he led the way to the library. They walked out of the main building and made their way across the castle square. On the other side of the castle there was the library. It used to be in a center of a village below the castle, until the floods hit. Luckly most of the books were saved but the same could not be said for the building. The reconstruction would take forever and cost a lot of money, which the librarian didnt have. So the king decided that the library could be in the old armory until the old one would be repaired. And also paid for all of it so the old man could save some money for his family. Will's father was generous, there was no doubt about that. And he was more then proud to be his son. Even if Will didn't have any intrests in ruling the kingdom, he wanted to be wise, strong and kind just like his father. It was his goal. Many people traveled to their kingdom just to see the king from the stories about his dad's adventures with other Origins. In the past his dad even worked with Merling's and helped them, well until they disappeared. But this bothered Will. He would have thought that his father tried to find them but no. He just accepted it, at least that's what he was told. And whenever the prince tried to talk about it with him, he just shrugged it of.  "Hey are we going inside or are we just gonna stare at the building?" Tommy's voice interrupted his thought's. "Yeah, of course" Will shaked his head and walked in. The two other just shrugged and followed. The oldest boy went straight to the librarian, leaving his younger brothers behind. "Greetings! What can i get you today, your majesty" The old man spoke with his raspy voice. "Um, do you by any chance have any books about Merlings? I know my father doesn't want them here but i thought i could at least try to ask" Will whispered as he looked at his brothers in case they were listening. "Well you are in luck. I do happen to have some in the storage" The librarian laughed at the sneakiness of the prince "Come". The man led the boy to the dark storage. He grabbed a candle on their way there so they could see better. "Here they are" He said as he pointed at three books."My old friend gave them to me. He said that they are really valuable, but you see now that im old, they dont have any use for me anymore". The books had a fancy blue cover with golden pictures and letters. Two of them were pretty thin and third one was large and thick. "Are you sure you want to sell those to me? If they mean anything to you, you should keep them" Will asked, concerned. "As i said they have no use for me. So please don't worry about it your highness". The boy just nodded, not daring to argue with the man. The librarian picked them up with a smile on his lips and brought them back to his counter. He wrapped the books in paper so no one could see that Will was walking around with banned books. When he was done he pushed them forward so the prince could reach them better. "How much do i pay you?" The phantom boy said, reaching into one of the pockets of his coat for some money. "Nothing" The man simply replied, flexing his small avian wings a little. "No way that's happening ! These are very valuable, i cant just take them and leave !" Will immediately satrted arguing. "And you also need all the money you can get". The old lilbrarian laughed at the young prince "I owe you and your family my life so this is the smallest thing i can do to repay you". The oldest prince was just staring at him with his mouth open "Are you sure ?". "Yes, i am sure" He laughed again. "You are too kind" Will sighed, giving up and taking the books. "We are leaving" He said, his brothers getting up to leave when they heard him. Will quickly reached for some money and put them on the counter. When he was done he left the library in a hurry. "Wait ! You forgot your money !" He heard a voice behind him but ignored it and ran after his siblings. As they walked through the hall back to their place, Ranboo was waiting for them outside of their room. "Ah, you are finally here" The guard spoke as he bowed his head. "Your father is expecting you for dinner. So i think you should go now". The brothers just looked at each other and nodded. "We are going, but i just need to go put my books away" The phantom said and walked closer to Ranboo "Alright. Give them to me and i will take care of it". Will handed them to Ranboo, trusting him to not look at the books. The guard took them and went inside and the three boys made their way to the dining room. Inside the king Philza was already waiting for them. The family greeted each other and sat down to eat. "So you managed to get to the library and here without any injury ? Wow, i didn't expect that" His dad chuckled and looked at him jokingly, spreading his large, raven wings in delight. "Ha ha very funny" Will laughed loudly. They were eating and laughing as always. And when they were done, everyone was about to leave until king Philza stopped them. "Oh i almost forgot. I have some news". All the boys turned around to face their father. "The family from Anemis kingdom will be staying here again". "Again ?!" Tommy shouted in complaint "They were here, not even month ago". "I know, but there is not much we can do about it. Their stupid visits are better than being in war with them" The elytrian sighed "And it looks like they are going to stay little longer." When Wilbur heard that, he had to hold back a groan. He normally didn't do such things but this really annoyed him. He hated the fact that the family was always fighting withount caring about how others feel. How they selfishly send their soldiers to war even if they have no chance of  surviving and how them running away was putting others kingdoms in harms way. But even if he didn't like their presence it was better than being in war, as his father said. After whole lot complaining everyone went to their rooms, as it was almost night already. Will grabbed one of the thin books when he figured out were Ranboo put them. He climbed into his hanging bed like basket and begun reading. As he was reading, he have already learnt a lot of new things. Like that Merlings are even more skittish than Felines, which was shocking to Will. He has met one male Feline and he would always freak out if he didn't hear someone coming, so just a thought of how much skittish Merling may be was hard to imagine. He also learnt that the yellow tail is the rarest variant. It is so rare that the normals started hunting them and taking their scales. Which is one of the reasons that Merlings are found only in groups, being alone only when exiled or lost. This specific information made Will really concerend. Why was she alone ? Is she lost or exiled ? Why was she so close to the shore ? Didn't she know that the normals could see her and hunt her down ? These was the questions that were on his mind. He was about to read more but one thing strucked him. What time is it ? He looked out the window and saw that the moon was already disappearing, so it meant that it was like 4am. Will put the book down and closed his eyes. After a little amount of time he fell asleep.

I'm sorry for the wait but i was sick and too lazy. :D
Anyway thanks for all the votes and reads. I'm really impressed that someone acually read this.
Okay that's all from me. See ya !

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