Past Lover

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(Y/n)’s POV

I’m reading to Aaron on the sofa when someone knocks on the door. “Hm...I’ll be right back, Aaron” I smile and stand up. 

I open the door to see that black haired man from three years ago. “Oh...It’s you…” I turn around to look at Aaron. “Can you go to your room for a little? Baba needs to talk to someone” I ask my child with a smile. Aaron smiles and nods. He jumps off the sofa and walks to his room. 

“Hold the fuck up. You have a child?!” Dabi asks. “Yeah. Aria, my...ex wife, died after giving birth to him…” I look towards the hall Aaron walked down. “Oh. Also you do know I’m a hero, right? You shouldn’t be here.” I tell him and he nods. “Yeah, but you won’t hurt me~” Dabi smirks. “For now. What do you want anyway?” I ask. “Well…” He closes the space between us, putting his hand on my hip. “The wife is gone. Do you remember what I said the night we met?” he smirks. “Uh...yes, I do...but I kinda have my eyes on some-” he cuts me off by kissing me. “Mmfh!” my eyes widen in surprise. Our eyes lock, his blue and clouded with lust. 

“(L/n)?...” I hear Takami’s voice from behind Dabi. “Ta-mhf!” I break away from Dabi but he catches my lips with his again. I pinch Dabi’s ear and tug it. “Ow! Hey, that was rude!!” He yells at me and I glare at him. “Yeah, well, too bad.” I roll my eyes and look at Takami, who is looking between Dabi and I. “What...the hell?” He asks. “I’m sorry, Takami. This asshole knows no boundaries. I’m sure the words ‘personal space’ and ‘no’ aren't in his vocabulary.” I push Dabi away from me, and he pouts.

 “C’mon, I warned you!” He argues. “That was THREE years ago! And I was trying to tell you I liked someone, idiot!” I yell at him and Takami is looking at us like we have shark heads. “Yeah. me” Dabi says and I just stare at him for a minute. “Come here” I tell him with a smile. He steps towards me with a confident smile. “I knew you’d-” I knee him in the balls and he crumples to his knees. “There. That's your answer” I say, bluntly. Takami stifles a laugh. “Isn’t he from the League of Villains?” He asks and I nod. “Yeah...I don’t want Aaron to see me fighting him...” as I say that, Aaron walks out, next to me.

 “Baba? Who are dese pweple?” he asks, looking up at me. “Oh my god…(L/n), he’s Aaron?” Takami asks. “Yeah! Aaron, this is Takami, my partner!” I kneel down. “Your Tawkmi?” He asks and I laugh. “No, Takami. Can you say that?” I ask and Takami walks towards us, sitting on his knees. “Ta...Tawkgimi?...Taka!” Aaron says, excitedly. “My heart…” Takami mutters, clutching his heart. Aaron jumps onto him and hugs him. “Thank you for hewping Baba be happy!” Aaron says. “ problem, kid…” Takami says, his cheeks a shade of pink. 

“Damn, (Y/n). The bird over me? Really?” Dabi stands up. “My name is (L/n) or (H/n) to you” I glare at Dabi, standing up and Takami doesn’t let go of Aaron, seemingly protecting him. “What about (N/n)? Oh. or Deadman?” he smirks and I flinch at the name. “That’s not me anymore. Touya” I say and he flinches. “what?...Touya?...” Takami asks. “Takami. Get Aaron out of here” I growl and he’s hesitant but nods. 

Takami flies away with Aaron, to a safe space probably. “Really. After everything we’ve been forget who you are?” Dabi asks, taunting me. “Like I said, that's not me anymore. Takami forgot about me from there and so should you” I tell him. “But why? We were so perfect for each other~” he says, walking towards me. “I’m not Deadman anymore, just like you aren't Touya anymore. Deal with it and forget about me” I tell him. “The P.S.C is in the past. Everything that happened there, it isn’t me anymore” I add. “You said you loved me though! Is that all in the past, too?!” He screams. “Deadman loved Touya, a loving, kind, selfless kid! You’re Dabi now, like you said. You're not Touya anymore and I’m not Deadman anymore! Leave it” I tell him and he looks a mixture of heartbroken and angry. “I’m sorry, but you need to understand. It’s true I’ve never stopped caring, but I don’t love you anymore” I tell him. He stands there, staring at me in shock. “Fine. We’re enemies after today then” He turns and storms away. I sigh and fall to my knees. 

I found a new apartment far away from my current one. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms. The best part is that birds are the only animals allowed. “How ironic…” I chuckle. “Alright, lets see…” I call the landlord for that apartment and she says I can move in and crap. 

I start packing the stuff in the house when Takami and Aaron get back. “Hey- whoa...What’s going on??” Takami asks. “I found a new apartment Aaron and I are moving into” I answer, not looking up from taping a box closed. Aaron runs up to me “can I help, Baba?” he asks. “Hmm? Oh, yeah. That’d be great, hun. How about you put all your stuffed animals and toys into that box. I can help you bring it to your roo-” Aaron grabs the box and runs to his room with it, happily. “Oh. Nevermind then” I laugh. Takami starts putting books into an empty box I labeled ‘books’. “You don’t have to do that, Takami. You can go home, I’ve already asked you for so much” I tell him but he just smiles “Nah, I don’t mind. I like being around you.” My heart skips a beat and my cheeks burn. “Ah...okay…” I fall silent, packing the video games and stuff.

I stand up to unplug the TV, but my clumsy ass trips on the cord, face planting. “Shit, (L/n), are you okay?” Takami laughs. I grumble, my face burning. “Do you mean the fall or just in general?” I chuckle, sitting up. “Oh, well, at least I unplugged it” I mutter and run my hand through my hair, sighing. 

“ you remember a boy named Deadman?” I ask him and his breath hitches. He looks up at me “How do you know him?” he asks. “He and Touya, you remember both of them…from the P.S.C...” I say, not looking at him. “Y-yeah...but do you know about them?” Takami asks, standing up.

 “Deadman’s parents hated him because of his quirk, you know...when the P.S.C wanted to train him, his parents couldn’t care less. Gave him up, never saw the boy again...Deadman found a boy around his age there. He fell in love with that boy and that boy was Touya...they loved each other for years but then Touya went missing. Abandoned his only friends, Deadman and Hawks...and then Deadman…” I trail off and meet the shocked males eyes. “...he shut everyone out...and then disappeared…” Takami finishes. “Mhm...but Touya is Dabi. He was once my lover. Before Aria, that is. When he were the only one I had but you were in so much pain...I didn’t want to see it one knew my real name so I went by it…” I turn away from him again, my voice failing me. “...your…?” I nod, answering an unspoken question. “I’m sorry I left you...I couldn’t...I didn’t know what to do, I-...I was young and weak and stupid. I couldn’t handle even my own simple problems, I was a mess and I didn’t want to burden you with-” 

I turn to look at him and the next thing I know, his lips are on mine. He breaks away and hugs me, his head on my shoulder. “I’m so glad it is really you…” he says through tears. “Hold on a goddamn knew?!” I ask, my face burning. “I wasn’t sure but I am now…” he chuckles a little. I touch my lips and then I realize he actually kissed me. “Why…?” I don’t finish my sentence. “Baba!-...why are you and Takagimi crying?...” Aaron runs out of his room. “O-oh...uh...nothing, hun…” I wipe my face with my sleeve. “Yeah, we’re fine, kid. Don’t worry.” Takami smiles at Aaron, letting go of me but holding my hand behind my back. “Then why did Takagimi kiss you Baba? Is he my new mama?” Aaron asks and we both burst out laughing. “No, no! He was just being nice, that's all! I tripped so he helped me” I smile at Aaron, picking him up. “Ooh!! Like how when I hurt my arm you kiss it to make it feel better?” he asks. “Yes, exactly!” I say, proudly. He looks at Takami, who is smiling warmly. “Thank you, Takagimi!” Aaron grins. “Alright, who’s hungry? We need a break from packing, don’t you think?” I ask and the boys gasp. “Chicken Nuggies?!” they say in sync and I laugh, nodding. “Yes, we can get chicken nuggets” I smile and they cheer. 

When we get to McDonalds, I see a girl checking Takami out. She’s not even being subtle about it. I get a little jealous and glare at her without Takami noticing. She looks surprised and I grab his hand and point to something on the menu with my other. “Is that new? The spicy chicken nuggets?” I ask. “Ooh, I think so! Can we get them? Pleaseee?” he asks. “Pleaseee?” Aaron joins. “Are you sure, Aaron? They’re spicy” I say and he nods, eagerly. “Alright, we can get those. Takami, can you order for us while Aaron and I find a table?” I ask, handing him my credit card. “Nah, I got it” He smiles. “Are you sure? I could-” he shakes his head and a smile a little. “Thank you, then...I’ll pay you back” I say. “That's fine. This is enough” He kisses my cheek and Aaron pulls me away by my hand. I blush like crazy, thank gods Aaron or Takami don’t notice. But there are some people with their phones out, smiling, giggling, staring...oh no...that’s going to be everywhere!...

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