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|90 mins later|
Onika Maraj

"Aren't you hot?" I asked Beyonce, fanning myself and gulping down water.

She was sweating like crazy, but she was acting like it was nothing. "No, I'm good actually."

"But your body says otherwise. Here." I handed her a bottle of water.

She took it like it was the best thing in the world that anyone's ever given her. "Thanks."

I waved her off, taking off my shirt and hanging it over my shoulder.

"Hey, you wanna....oh....umm....."

I creased my eye brows, looking up at her. She was standing there stiffly, her eyes darting between me and everywhere else. I rolled my eyes.

"Is there a problem?"

She shook her head. "No, not at all. I just wanted to know....if maybe....you'd wanna come over for dinner later. I'm a really good cook. I promise."

What's the worst that could happen? Plus, I'm not the best cook in the world, I could use some home cooked food. "Sure, why not?"

"Yes!" She cleared her throat. "Ok. I promise I won't let you down. I've been waiting for the day when you said yes so I could wow you with my cooking skills."

I chuckled. "Yeah yeah, I'm done for the day."

"Alright...well....I guess I'll see you later." She smiled sweetly, gently setting the shovel down, blowing a kiss my way and jumping over the fence to her backyard, then going in the back door.

I sighed, groaning and walking in the back door. Why are you doing this Nicki? Why aren't you being mean to her? Your letting her get to you, we can't do that Nicki. After you go to this dinner, tell her that you can't keep doing this and that you'll never do it again.

I can't believe I seriously have to tell myself that now. Before, it was so easy. I didn't have to tell myself that because I didn't let myself get that close to her

Now I understand why.


Every time I think about what I'm about to do, I feel like I'm already regretting it. I know I shouldn't be this strict on myself, but we were doing so good today. For the first time in forever, I didn't feel like she was annoying me and like I had to shove her off. But I'm still not to sure how this is gonna go.

I have to tell her that I can't do this anymore, that there's no way we could ever be together, or friends, or anything. It's just her, she doesn't come off like a bad person, but the way she presents herself, is just fucking weird. She's to nice, to calm, there's something about her, some reason that her demeanor is so....weird.

Her sense of style is just downright putrid, I'm not sure if she actually sees what she's wearing, or if she's just picking blindly. To me, that shows signs of immaturity, and I don't have time for bullshit. I don't have time for any type of relationship to be honest.

After about 10 minutes of me debating on rather to go over there or not, I finally got my ass up and walked out. I didn't wear anything to fancy. Just some jean shorts and a fitted crop top. I don't want to give her any inclination that this is a date of any type. The only reason I'm coming over THIS time is because I was a real bitch to her and this is my way of showing that I actually meant the apology I gave her earlier.

I took in a deep breath before ringing the door bell. I rolled my eyes, sticking my hands in my back pockets. A few seconds later, she opened the door with a huge smile on her face. "Neighbor! I didn't think you were really gonna show up."

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